Master at Arms
I often find that the best motivator is a great photo and that is what happened this time around.
I had seen the Trumpeter recent release of the 1/32 P-61 and was interested but not committed to buying. I like the P-61 very much, but as a lot of you know I don't go much for models just sitting there, and the P61 is not small, so I needed to have an epiphany before purchasing this one.
I found it last Friday.
Model ordered and on it's way from Lucky model.
IWO JIMA 1945 - 548th NFS :

'The spook' was one of 4 planes caught by bad weather on returning from a night mission in 1945. Iwo Jima was renowned for it's bad visibility with pilots and proved more dangerous than the Japanese at this stage of the war.
The first P-61 made it down but blew a tyre.
The second, 'The Spook', came in with zero visability, was wide of the runway, adjusted but clipped the ground, bounced off the first aircraft's top surface and slid on it's belly off the side of the airstip with it's 20mm cannon firing as it slid.
The plane was deemed a right off.
They also lost the 3rd aircraft as the crew bailed out over the coast of the Island but the 4th circled with enough fuel and landed when the weather cleared.
Time to wreck a perfectly good 1/32 scale classic aircraft!