on the home stretch.
These two picture are the upper hull without weathering. I used Vallejo Grey Green with some buff for the BSC34 Slate. I have no idea if this is even close, can't find a straight answer out there for this. But it's what I came up with and it's done, better than blue.
I painted the unit id markings, the white and red stripes. Sealed with future
Fro whatever reason, future didn't seal well enough on the enamel red I used. Washed it down with Migs Neutral Wash (starting to be habit) Not going to touch up the red, think it looks kinda sun faded. Oddly, the insigna on the turret was ok
No the headlights are not going to be white, I'll hit them again with chrome.
Next, look at it again and see if any more needs to be cleaned up, then a pin wash, chipping, dusting. Then I'll try the sand on the base and call it done.