So as a break from trying to get my new website to work. I took a look at a Pocher door.
These had been built by the previous owner so the first step was to see if I could get them back to their component parts.
these dont look too bad in the pictures but nothing is painted, its just orange plastic,, screws are obvious and despite appearance in the pics they are pretty awful
I got them apart without too much damage
Initially i thought i would add a chrome trim with metal foil but i realised that it was going to look like metal foil

so although i got as far as below, i scrapped that idea
I then chiselled the raised strip of plastic off the door and added a length of 1.5mm and 1mm alloy tube.
Note i have painted the top of the door in the exterior colour. I did try using a veneer but it didnt work, i then got some Burr Walnut decals and they were a bit of a disaster. The first sheet had not been sealed so the ink washed off when i soaked them. the second sheet was sealed but its strange paper. The decal once released in water, is like a thin electrical tape. ie: the decal stretches on a sort of elastic base..
it looks good but it stretches very easily and then when it dries it contracts into wrinkles and it melts at the sire of microsol
Anyway these were obviously printed on an inkjet and should have been laser printed so its stable. This is why i have painted the door cappings....
Handles were given a coat of chrome paint
one of the window winders snapped so i had to pin it with some brass rod then solder the joint, should be ok as i cant see me winding the windows up and down much
Anyway, long story short, here we are
the door cap is sprayed, centre is goat skin and the bottom is some dolls house self adhesive carpet

A4 sheets at £1.00 a sheet

cant go wrong..
outside is obviously body colour,. this thing is so big i couldn't afford to do this in Tamiya spray cans, it would need near a can a panel so this is propper automotive paint from the garage with an auto clear top coat that you can cut back , polish and wax. ( the specs are just dust )