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Does Family History factor in with your modeling?

Thanks Laurence, Eddie found his name listed on a crew roster for the USS St. Helena CL-50. I brought this up with my Ma-in-Law and she just doesn't know and unfortunately there's no one else who would know. All of John's family is gone and she's the last of her generation at 92 years old.

Bob, the info is out there, ya just gotta dig & poke around a bit. :good: That is one of the joys of being a genealogist :drinks I see it as a giant jigsaw puzzle (of sorts) w/out the box top.... :eek:hyeah
I've been spending alot of time on Ancestry the past couple weeks updating my tree & chipping away at one of my major brick walls. My 3rd great grandparents Amzi Lewis FAIR b. 1800 Died:?? andEmeline ADAMS b. 1810 died:??? Seen dates on both of them from 1854-1866. I have State & Federal Census reports on them from 1830 to 1860 and nothing after that! I honestly believe they were abducted by aliens!! :idonno Well, this evening, I found someone who's also researching them & has his date of death as 1884! So, I shot them a messege & got a reply so, I responded with my request for infoso, we'll see what happens!! :dance
I've been working on associated lines in the Rockland, Sullivan, NY area and added a bunch of people & now have just shy of 3,000 people in it!! B)

Got a reply from Sue. Seems it's her husband's line and she got the info from his mother along with a bunch of family history info! B) Looks like I have found another cousin :dance Seems I have info she doesn't & I'll fill in the blanks for her & hopefully she can fill in blanks for me :hmmm
A friend of mine that lives in Indiana and I were chatting it up night before last regarding my HOUGHTON/DICKSON lines there in Rush & Marshall Counties& where I can possibly get obituaries from the 1820s thru 1910 and after an hour of chatting with her, I would up with a bunch of links & info on my HOUGHTONs!! :woohoo: B) I think I just added another 150 names to my tree!! :dance :geek :drinks
Not only that but, seems my HOUGHTONs have been part of Marshall Co,IN since day 1 and one of my ancestors John HOUGHTON had become the 1st Treasurer in 1836! And his son Thomas had been the County Recorder 1850-1860. ANd there's a Houghton Lake near the town of Culver I need to research....


Found this too which is great!! Family spread B)
I just got word a little while ago that my 1st cousin 1x removed Peggy is coming to visit & may be here tomorrow & is interested in the family history as well. Haven't seen her in over 25 yrs!! She contacted me about 2 yrs ago regarding what I have on the CONNOLLY/LYONS/MARTIN lines going back to Ireland since her son is planning to go over there and hunt them down... sadly, I don't have much BUT,am working on it tho :good:
actually it does for me.
My grandfather flew PBM's (im obsessed with them) and my other Grandfather was signal corp on a liberty ship in the pacific.
I've models of both subjects.
Sunday night I was contacted via Facebook by a guy named John who seen me in several modeling groups and thought he'd contact me after having noticed I do family history research and wondered if there was a connection between us since he didn't know anything about his father's side. So, I replied that it's possible & what do ya know about it? And he gave me his dad's name & his granddad's name & that he died in the 1960s & was married to so & so.
Not much to go on but, I went ahead & ran the names & found out, John & I are 6th cousins 1x removed! It didn't take long to find this out since his grandmother's family was fairly well known in Texas. (Hildebrand) and Clarence Schoonover was killed in a car accident in JAN 1960 in AZ on the way to TX to visit her family so,there was mention in the Amarillo, TX paper.
Anyways, It goes to show that it truly is a small world!! :drinks
Also should mention that on Monday I learned that my 24 yr old 2nd cousin Shelby had passed away on the 14th of this month. Her heart quit working due to complications with type 1 diabetes. :(
My condolences on your loss Ed. The rest of that info is great news though. It is so cool finding more family, especially family that also builds models!
My condolences on your loss Ed. The rest of that info is great news though. It is so cool finding more family, especially family that also builds models!

Thanks Mark! Yes, it is pretty kewl finding a family member that builds. And he sought me out!! :drinks
Sunday night I was contacted via Facebook by a guy named John who seen me in several modeling groups and thought he'd contact me after having noticed I do family history research and wondered if there was a connection between us since he didn't know anything about his father's side. So, I replied that it's possible & what do ya know about it? And he gave me his dad's name & his granddad's name & that he died in the 1960s & was married to so & so.
Not much to go on but, I went ahead & ran the names & found out, John & I are 6th cousins 1x removed! It didn't take long to find this out since his grandmother's family was fairly well known in Texas. (Hildebrand) and Clarence Schoonover was killed in a car accident in JAN 1960 in AZ on the way to TX to visit her family so,there was mention in the Amarillo, TX paper.
Anyways, It goes to show that it truly is a small world!! :drinks
Also should mention that on Monday I learned that my 24 yr old 2nd cousin Shelby had passed away on the 14th of this month. Her heart quit working due to complications with type 1 diabetes. :(

Sorry about your cousin Eddy.

Yes it's a small world, you can't get away with nuffin'. When you look at a family tree you have to understand it's really 3 dimensional, each generation grows exponentially. The chances of some of us actually being related are pretty good.

I live in an area that was a jumping off point for a lot of early settlers in the late 1700-1800. Some of William Randolph Hurst ancestors are buried in the same cemetery as some of mine in a place called Ceder Springs SC. When I was on the old "list-serve" and going around taking pictures of old grave stones I got request from all over the country. It was great fun back then.
Thanks Bob (y) Yeah, I've been into digging up my roots since NOV 1996 and have gone waaay back on several lines and have started branching out from my direct lines on several lines.(DAY,SCHOONOVER, FAIR,MUMFORD,CONNOLLY) Some of my FAIR family wound up in SC and probably still around there... It is a small world...
Now this is interesting! Just found it while researching my family tree!

One story I've heard through the yrs growing up was some of my ancestors came over on the Mayflower. I don't know how many times I've looked over the passenger list in recent years, especially after talking with my cousin Vicky in Chicago,IL who has alot of family info on her computer (but, it's on the fritz). Well, last night, I made a connection on my own!! Edward DOTY & Faith CLARK came over on the Maflower and their great great granddaughter married into my LEWIS lines! :geek :drinks
Now to read up on the Plymouth Colony.... (y)
My folks came over as ballast in 1715 or so. The Foleys got out of Ireland one step ahead of the British soldiers

You do know that Foley in Gaelic means thief?
My folks came over as ballast in 1715 or so. The Foleys got out of Ireland one step ahead of the British soldiers

You do know that Foley in Gaelic means thief?

:huh: I didn't know that. Interesting... So, does that mean we have to keep an eye on you? :unsure: :beer
One story I've heard through the yrs growing up was some of my ancestors came over on the Mayflower. I don't know how many times I've looked over the passenger list in recent years, especially after talking with my cousin Vicky in Chicago,IL who has alot of family info on her computer (but, it's on the fritz). Well, last night, I made a connection on my own!! Edward DOTY & Faith CLARK came over on the Maflower and their great great granddaughter married into my LEWIS lines! :geek :drinks
Now to read up on the Plymouth Colony.... (y)

Okay, now you know this means you need to build a model of the Mayflower. :eek:hyeah
One story I've heard through the yrs growing up was some of my ancestors came over on the Mayflower. I don't know how many times I've looked over the passenger list in recent years, especially after talking with my cousin Vicky in Chicago,IL who has alot of family info on her computer (but, it's on the fritz). Well, last night, I made a connection on my own!! Edward DOTY & Faith CLARK came over on the Maflower and their great great granddaughter married into my LEWIS lines! :geek :drinks
Now to read up on the Plymouth Colony.... (y)

Okay, now you know this means you need to build a model of the Mayflower. :eek:hyeah

It's on the list! :D
Hey Bob, I found my login info for Fold3 last night so, spent a good part of the evening searching out names. Trying to find info on cousin Willard James CONNOLLY whom served in the Korean War running heavy equipment. Still no joy yet.
Did find my grand-aunt's uncle Kermit MITCHELTREE was KIA in Korea 26 NOV 1950 (in what is now the DMZ) a Sgt.1C with the 15th Field Artillery BN, 2nd Inf. Div.
2 of his brothers were in WWII & at Pearl Harbor. One on the USS Honolulu CL-48,(Venilda D. MITCHELTREE) who had served on the WVa until 1940.
the other (Luther Cletus MITCHELTREE) on USS Utah (AG-16) looks like he had been on her since 30 JUNE 1932!

Anyhow, since I found Pearl Harbor Muster Rolls on Fold3, I ran the name John MOSS again for ya. Seeing how we settled on him being on the St. Helena. Full name: John Douglas MOSS, service # 261 43 71 date of Enlistment: 27 JULY 1940 Norfolk,VA 1st aboard USS St. Helena (CL-50) 18 SEPT 1939 also served aboard the USS Castor (AKS-1)in APR 1943