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Does Family History factor in with your modeling?

The past several days have been quite interesting. Been emailing my cousin Vicky updating her on my latest finds & she tells me that it's all gotten her remember things from the past & for me to keep asking questions!! :woohoo: :geek I told her to be careful what she wishes for... LoL
So, I sent a few questions & she has a hard time with actual names of her aunts & uncles as she grew up with them & knows them all by nicknames!! So, I'm using a cattle prod on her and its working!! :evil:
The past few days I'vebeen working on my mom's side of the tree somehow I ended up back on my dad's side. :idonno how I managed that but, found some Revolutionary War connections that go back to the Salem Witch trials :eek:hmy: B)
This is my 9th great grand aunt... http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=34374455&ref=acom
Seems she was arrested &tried during the Salem Witch Trials! Not only her but, her mother & step mother. :hmmm interesting
Tonite while digging up the family tree I came upon another Pearl Harbor Survivor! a cousin named Walter Scott GINN, I believe he was a Lt.(jg) at the time and was aboard the USS OGLALA (CM-4) The flagship of the Pacific Fleet Mine Force! She was tied up outside of the USS HELENA (CL-50) at the 1010 dock. The OGLALA was sunk even tho she was not directly hit.
A torpedo went under her belly & went into the HELENA which was followed up by a bomb being dropped between them. The concussion of the bomb & the topedo hit caused the OGLALA to split some seams.
What is also very interesting is, LCDR Walter Scott GINN, USN Ret. is buried in Arlington National Cemetery he died in DEC 1976
I think you'd be challenged to find someone in your family who was not in the service. :salute

You're probably right Bob. But, this one kinda surprises me. 1 would think getting into Arlington National Cemetery, they'd have to have done something very special. I haven't found out what that is yet but, maybe I will... :good:
I think you'd be challenged to find someone in your family who was not in the service. :salute

You're probably right Bob. But, this one kinda surprises me. 1 would think getting into Arlington National Cemetery, they'd have to have done something very special. I haven't found out what that is yet but, maybe I will... :good:

He survived Pearl Harbor. :salute

That is true. Alot of people survived Pearl Harbor...
I've been poking around and haven't found out anything about his Service or medals as of yet.
Made a little progress on LCDR Walter Scott GINN last night. Graduated the USNA in 1923


I believe his first ship assignment was the USS Lawrence (DD-250) and possibly the Langley (CV-1), Trenton (CL-11) Lamson (DD-367) The USS Bushnell (S-44) in 1938.
Served as C.O. for the GRO Pac 9 early 1944
He also served aboard the USS Manileno (IX-141) an ex- Italian Oiler in APR 1944
Also, served as the 3rd C.O. aboard the USS Noxubee (AOG-56) MAR 1946 to JULY 1946

Still nothing on any medals tho :bang head
Never seen a Clemson class DD built. :D

Don't think I have either. Seen a number of ships at Mare Island over the years!

Oh, while digging for info on Walter, I came upon another guy named James Blackburn GINN who was killed 7 DEC 19418 miles off shore. the OS2U-3 # 5285 he was piloting crashed into the water. He was assigned to USS Maryland (VO-4) Interesting story on him too. His back seater tried saving his life & got him to shore.
I grew up hearing I was related to John ADAMS & John Quincy ADAMS (the 2nd & 5th Presidents!) on my mom's side but, I haven't found that connection yet. I just found out my12thgreat grandfather is the great great grandfather to John ADAMS!!
Looks like I may have to build a Liberty ship some time... The S.S. John Witherspoon. Seems a 2nd cousin 6x removed was aboard when it was torpedoed enroute to the Soviet Union 6 JULY 1942. Sunk by U-255 while part of Convoy PQ-17 carryin' 8575 tons of ammo & Tanks. Interesting story. Seems after the crew of 50 men made it into the rafts, the U-boat approached & spoke with the Master of the Liberty ship., offered food & water, promised to send a message for the survivors and asked about the cargo then left.
Now on 9 JULY most of the survivors were picked up by the HMS La Malouine (K-46) 16 crewmen & 3 armed guards in another boat were trapped in the ice for 53 hours! They were rescued by another Liberty ship (El Capitan) which was later sunk by German aircraft! and U-251
My cousin earned a Silver Star during WWII and so far, that's all I've found on his Naval career.
Isn't that enough? :salute

If I'm not mistaken, the Silver Star is the 3rd highest medal (the MOH being top) and yeah, his actions during that fiasco could've been worthy of the S.S. It would be interesting to find out if he was amongst the men stuck in the ice for 53 hours & to be forced into the water again.
Looks like I'll need to add an A-20J Havoc to the list... Found a cousin who was KIA 9 MAY 1944 near Fervent, France in (A-20J-5-DO) S/N 43-9457 (named Betty Jane II) assigned to the 463rd BS, 409th BG(L), 9th AF based out of Little Walden, Fiche, France. S/Sgt. William H. OGLESBEE was a gunner.
He enlisted 2 FEB 1943 in Los Angeles,CA. Not quite sure what happened to the aircraft yet. Trying to find the MACR. (4677) Of the 4 man crew, 3 were KIA and 1 became a POW at Stalag Luft 4.

1 known photo of this aircraft in a book "Gun Camera World War II" by L. Douglas Keeney. (Photo on page 43) From what I gather, the aircraft was new& was borrowed from the Sqn Commander for the mission. (He named the plane after his wife!)
I was blessed last night by my cousin Tammy (whom I share ancestry.com with) she finally got her Fold3 login info straightened out and emailed me with it so, I spent a good part of the night on there looking up info on William H. OGLESBEE! Found the MACR report (#4677) and I have to say, it saddened me some.
I learned that his aircraft was the lead bomber of the 2nd formation making a 2nd run on the target at Bonnieres, France, (a rocket installation) and were hit in the bomb bay. Bombadier said " Bomb's away! to which the pilot said Let's go home" they were hit by anti aircraft fire. They were at 12,000 feet.
Of the 4 men aboard, 1 managed to bail out and was soon captured by the german AA gun crew. There were several eye witness statements of the craft going down in a fireball & sustained damage to the nose & cockpit. There were 22 pages in the MACR!