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My Theme Builds...

Ok, here's what I've been playin' with...


So far, I've cut out the patterns & tried them against the fuselage and the fit is ok, need ta make minor adjustments in them before I lay 'em out on styrene... :hmmm Now to find my sheets of styrene... :unsure:
I wasn't too pleased with the look of the engines so, I added some Gunship Grey to the background & think it looks better. Think the inside of the cowling would be interior green?

Seein' how I got the paint ta finish off the Vigi, I figgered I'd give the Banshee a shot of paint at the same time but, seems I left the tape on too long :blush: :bang head So, needta strip & redo it. :frantic




Any advice, comments are appreciated. Thanks for looking in...