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De Havilland DH88 Comet

I think I'm ready to paint.


Might enhance those lines on the bottom more, it's really a trick of the light.




Just need to find the right Light Grey.
The really coming along beautifully.

In terms of dihedral, what I understand from messing around with RC, lots of angle are great for stability. The wings sort of self right as they move through the air and a high wing with the fuse working as a counter weight is the best. Small straight wings are better for maneuvering.

You'll never see a Fieseler Storch doing barrel rolls.

Computer assist is amazing even in RC. I was beating my head against the wall trying to learn ailerons, crash after crash after crash. Then I got transmitter with exponential control and mixing and it was night and day. The radio would add some rudder to counter what I was doing with my thumbs. In the last few years, even the simplest RC planes have stabilization that adjust all the surfaces to keep level.
So the saying they have about Fly by Wire is true in RC? It makes a good pilot better and a great pilot good. :pilot

I tried one of those RC simulators years ago, I'm not a pilot but I have sat in the right seat and felt back pressure, pulled it through a turn and understand how you have to put in more than just a single input to make the plane go where you want it to go.

What blew my mind was the Point of Reference/View I had. Standing on the ground and thinking, Left, Right, Right to go left...upside down now so pull up..nooo!

And then you get to anhedral

A lot of things affect flight and a its amazing how losing control of one can all of a sudden cause big problems.

Main thing to remember is stick forward = ground bigger and stick back = ground smaller unless your inverted and then of course inverse rules apply.

My sons and most people since the beginning learn to fly RC with a 3 channel plane like a L19. Steer with the rudder, altitude with the elevator and speed with a throttle.

Of course, me being the bozo jumped right in with 4 channel where you're using ailerons for turning, a whole different animal. So almost every attempt at a turn ended with me spilling lift off the wing and barreling in.

What the computer Tx did was allow me to automatically add rudder in with the aileron to turn as well as roll, but also program the sticks to be less sensitive around neutral. When looking up while holding a radio in your hands moving two sticks, it's hard to go in one direction without some drift of the stick in the other direction. So if I'm sliding my thumb up a bit to make the plane go down, there's a good chance I'll push or pull it to one side as well, which causes the plane to roll.

There's a great point every veteran will tell you first thing about what to do when flying towards you that is nearly fail safe to remember to do the opposite control input. Unfortunately, I can't remember it. :hmmm
I could not find any color photos of the grey/blue scheme so. Using the color guild from the kit I mixed a lot of Vallejo White Base(1.5ml) with a drop of black and two drops of sky blue and added a bunch of thinner. Came up with a blue tint grey.




I don't know if it's right but if you can't find any color photos either, you can't call me out in it.

Not sure what color it is supposed to be, but it looks like a primer grey to me. :idonno

Paint color can be a heavy subject so I will just weight and see. :D
I've been checking aswell, Bob, cannot find any sort of tonal reference for the 'grey one'. I would suggest that if someone ever asks you to 'justify' your colour choice, then simply ask them what colour they painted theirs' and where did they get their reference from !!

Git'er done, matey :pilot

Yep, hard to tell what color grey to use from grey scale photos.

She's up on legs.




I can't brag enough about the engineering on these legs, I had them pretty much dry fitted and they were perfect. a little dab of CA and they are locked in place. I gotta clean up that air intake some, think that would have been better represented with PE.
I oversprayed another coat of the Vallejo mix I had just to clean up things, going to give it time to cure out and then a gloss seal coat.

Legs painted, props painted and attached.




Not going to pull the mask off till I get that last gloss coat on.