Well-known member
Most of you will know i have been struggling with my builds of late. I dont get a lot of satisfaction from Building OTB.
I usually try and add something with after market , in the past i used to enjoy the Aires resin engine kits in 1.48 but i kinda feel i have done that now
3D print is ok but its just and extension of OTB now. often better than what was in the box in the first place. Soon kits like the new P47 with engine from mini art will be the norm and the new OTB.
I think it could spoil the hobby. Its rather like digital photography, i used to really enjoy getting "that" picture at an airshow or at a motor race, now with digital the skill has gone and anyone with a phone under 10 years old is a professional photographer. However bad the picture, Adobe will fix it
The models above are all Hasegawa and Aires combo's, infinitely more of an achievement than any miniart P47 as anyone who has built anything resin will know
So what next for me ?
Well in order to scratch build i need to be at 1/12 scale for cars/ motorcycles etc., This is a scale i can work will with my fat fingers and aging eye sight. its a scale that my limits of about 0.5mm in drilling and stock dia will work with.
I have been looking at micro lathes , its odd to think the last lathe i used was a 4 axis CNC machine which i think we paid £75k for, now i am looking at a £500 micro lathe which doesnt even have screw cutting
At the moment i cant get any spec on these micro jobs like how true the chuck is which is a pretty basic requirement.
I have recently revisited wheel building
1/ 9 that is, replacing 1mm dia plastic spokes with 0.4mm metal and while laborious its also great fun with a sense of achievement and just happens to add a tone of realism to the model as well.
The temptation now is to go up a level and have another attempt at a Italeri vintage race car and add metal spokes.
Maybe break open the Meng (Ayrton Senna) Maclaren i bought and see what could be done with that ? (probably not spoked wheels though)
Anyone else find themselves looking for a new direction ?
I usually try and add something with after market , in the past i used to enjoy the Aires resin engine kits in 1.48 but i kinda feel i have done that now
3D print is ok but its just and extension of OTB now. often better than what was in the box in the first place. Soon kits like the new P47 with engine from mini art will be the norm and the new OTB.
I think it could spoil the hobby. Its rather like digital photography, i used to really enjoy getting "that" picture at an airshow or at a motor race, now with digital the skill has gone and anyone with a phone under 10 years old is a professional photographer. However bad the picture, Adobe will fix it
The models above are all Hasegawa and Aires combo's, infinitely more of an achievement than any miniart P47 as anyone who has built anything resin will know
So what next for me ?
Well in order to scratch build i need to be at 1/12 scale for cars/ motorcycles etc., This is a scale i can work will with my fat fingers and aging eye sight. its a scale that my limits of about 0.5mm in drilling and stock dia will work with.
I have been looking at micro lathes , its odd to think the last lathe i used was a 4 axis CNC machine which i think we paid £75k for, now i am looking at a £500 micro lathe which doesnt even have screw cutting
I have recently revisited wheel building
The temptation now is to go up a level and have another attempt at a Italeri vintage race car and add metal spokes.
Maybe break open the Meng (Ayrton Senna) Maclaren i bought and see what could be done with that ? (probably not spoked wheels though)
Anyone else find themselves looking for a new direction ?