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Tamiya 1:32 Mustang

The panels around the exhaust can be seen as a darker color, so I used Steel, thought it too dark and gave a very light mist of polish aluminum to lighten it up. That worked fine. Then I played with transparent yellow, blue and green to get some heat distortion, looked good if I say so myself.


swooped some transparent Smoke alcladII over the sides, trying to get that airflow look to it.

Not bad


Then...panel wash. Again, all test I have done with my scrap stuff has been bad, don't like it but there it is. So I tried water color, yep, that stuff you got as a kid. Did it on my scrap piece and it was OK..so...I tried it on the finish..dabbed a bit and let it flow down the line, little build up where I started so I wiped with the soft flannel polishing rag I have and...
click it...I dare ya.

Someone give me ONE good reason why this Mustang will not be OD tomorrow.
It's the same spot as before! I dont' understand it. I've cleaned it down to the plastic. I'm doing the same thing on that side as I have on all the other parts. It just pealed up like it was weak tape or something. Notice engine cowls. they are fine.

Tired of fixing it Saul, so close to finishing it. I've put it on the shelf, think I'll work on a hot rod Ford for a bit.
Pups easily fixed mask off the good area and reapply the metalics
Looks the business though !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (y)
I know the feeling.... i hope that you find inspiration to fix it because it's a beauty!
Work of the frustration with that ford (they need it!).
i managed to get my alclad looking ok, but it was a little tricky, i'm happy it was not a big piece like this i was messing up!!
Get up in the saddle again Bob!! :)
Mats, the small piece you're working on would be harder in my opinion.

Thinking a couple of options. Including no panel wash. Really, look at the original picture, do you see panel lines sticking out like sore thumbs?
OK, I guess I am the voice of dissent. Washes imply dirt caught in panel lines, this goes against the crew cleaning and polishing it up. Only wash the control surface outlines and maybe the ammunition bay doors.

I vote that you take different panels and polish them in a perpendicular direction to get a grain. It is subtle but the sheen will vary dependent on the viewing angle. Head on it will be shiniest.


No washes, huh? It seems I suggested that almost four weeks ago!
:pilot :snoopy


A hole has appeared in the finish of Moon Puppy's Mustang, police are looking into it. Film at 11.

That is all. :D
It's haunting me for sure. Just masked and sprayed black to fill in the gaps...guess what happened.

I"m going to camo this SOB!
I think Jeff didn't click the spoiler. :mpup

I"m going to decal it. Got a sheet of clear decal paper, did the polished aluminum thing to it and will decal over the bad spot. screw it at this point, I'm a bit disgusted now.
Decal worked ok, gives a nice variation of the panel tone. The panels are a bit stark in differences, not as much as what BMF would have been but far less than what some other brand of paint would be.

To even things out again I stripped back to the tail again, notice that the base was holding well in place, just the alclad was coming up with only a little effort. Now I was courious and went back to the F86 I was playing with and tried the same alcohol strip I was doing here, it didn't budge. I have no answer.

Maybe, as it's been suggested, that this plastic has some mold release or some other nastyness impregnated in there. Remember, this is only happening on this one part, the cowls up front and the tail section in back are rock solid.
Kind of a downer Bob. Dont give up though as your so close and it looks so good. Looking forward to seeing her all done. (y) (y) (y)