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Revell FW-190- A8 "Sturmbock" 1/32

Is the engine oversized or the panels not scale thickness?
I think in fairness the kit is designed to be displayed with panels open and in that set up there wouldnt be a problem, they have put detail on the inside of the panels.
I think you are right in that time spent thinning the panels would be a great help but for me its not worth it as i will button it up

I will build the panels round the front ring and then try and marry the completed engine cowling assembly to the fuselage, just need to put some thought on a prop shaft :) luckily the fan on these engines means no one will know at least they wouldn't if i hadn't broadcast what i plan to do to the world :)
So here is my solution. These are lots of ways to do this but if it helps others, this one i now know works :)

I assembled most of the panels round the front ring, you need to do a panel every 30 mins so you know each is dry and fixed before you attach the next holding it in exact position with tape etc



The kit has a separate inner front ring and i cut a disc in plsticard to fit that exactly and marked the middle




Obviously the card will be a mat tyre black type finish latter

You can see here why you cant do this if fitting the engine as the panels taper to the rear


I cut the exhausts off the engine and fitted them to the inside of the panels


Then using a small bit of sprue as a spreader at the back which i will remove once its glued in position, i offered it up to the fuselage and its pretty near a perfect fit


Pleased with that :cool:
Thanks Steve but lets be honest here , this is a pile of poo :)

The decals continue to self destruct


Now i have the underside panels on they dont actually fit because the who dia is undersize


I think i will call time on this now, I'm not enjoying it,, its become a bodge, and its not something i would put on my shelf so even if i finish it, its place is already reserved in the bin.
Others have build nice models from this kit but TBH 90% of 1/32 190's on line are the Hasegawa kit. Could it be that they knew something :)

anyway i think a break from models would be advisable or i will just go down the same road as i did with this again and waste another load of cash. Maybe i will try again when i am in a better place

to finish on an up beat note i am very pleased with this

Fine piece of poo, if I do say so myself, 🧐 Excellent work, that last pic, Paddy. Regardless of the difficulties you always seem to pull kits out of the abyss. That decal looks like a hoot, I'll grant you that.:(
Hi John
Its easy to blame poor decals or poor fit of panels or even inaccurate PE but the reality is, other people build these things and have no problem and get great results. I gave up on the E-Type, made a pigs ear of that P-38 and now have given up on this FW-190. :) The results i want, so i can be satisfied with what i have done, are far greater than my ability so i have to question whether this is really what i want to do with my time with retirement beckoning next year ? Maybe i'm just not in a good place right now :)
Paddy, I have several "tough" projects that over the years I have worked on and then set aside when I got tired of the fight. You know of one, the Ju87A that I have been beating into shape. You can assemble a kit out of the box and let it go as I do with the MMM builds (Micro Modeler Month). Even those have been a bit on the challenging side, but those builds are strictly chosen and built for the purpose of building something start to finish quickly and trying to get it to a reasonable job.
My current 2 engine build is the Revell Ju88A kit that I started years ago. It really is not a bad kit at all, but my attempts to "super detail" it wore me down. Recently for the 2 engine build I pulled it out, pulled the non glued sections apart and removed most of the Eduard PE from the cockpit parts. At first it was a bit scary, and it was a bit of a pain in the can, but the results with the Quinta Studios replacements were stellar. I don't know of many that would have done that, but it was so worth it. Next I need to revisit the fuselage at the tail and do some fine sanding and repaint. Not happy with the finish nor color of some of that interior.
I look at it this way, I don't "have to" finish it now, but I want to finish it awesome. That is my goal. When the two Junkers kits are finally finished, I want to blow people's minds with them. For now I work on them when I "feel" like it, and there are times when that doesn't happen.
That is partly why I build quick so-so kits at times. If they work out great, if not, I don't sweat it. It is a hobby. Build at your own pace, but remember that when you build, you can do it quick, super detailed, and high quality, but can only do two of those three types. The third one will always suffer. Build quick and super detailed, and the quality will suffer. Build it super detailed and with quality, and it will take a while. You have some awesome skills my friend, don't let this get you down.
Thanks Paul
I agree with all you say, most older Brits are in the same position as me and suffering now but its not just that, its the prospects for the future. At my age you dont really need uncertainty, i dont mean what you have for dinner :) I mean will you be able to afford to put the heating on this winter. We have an ultra left Government just elected , this is not a political rant, i wouldn't do that to Bob but we have a system here called first past the post (wins). Its anything but Democratic and some times it backfires. We fight wars round the world in the name of democracy but have the vaguest form for ourselves. Without being party political we have about 650 seats in Parliament. each seat represents a ward and the country is divided up into 650 wards. It means if a party gets 51% of a vote, basically 49% of voters are left unrepresented. but if you have say 4 candidates/partys and 3 get 24% and 1 gets 28% then 72% or not represented and thats what just happened. here.
The newly elected government got 35% of votes cast...but election turnout was just 60% of eligible voters. So the government now has 35% of 60%
There are 50m eligible voters , Approx 60% turned out so 36m , the government got 35% of them so 12.5m., so the result is the Government represents ta da 🎺 25% of eligible voter and in our wonderful democratic system 75% of the people are unrepresented and unsupported.

Like i say this is about a system, it could be any system or non political so i hope you see the irony and the outlook for the next 5 years.
Their very first act here was to cancel winter fuel payments to pensioners ,,,,and give junior doctors a 22% pay rise. Basically take £300 of all old people and give doctors another £15000 a year each......God help us all.
You might think , what has that got to do with getting a silly plastic engine into a silly plastic airplane :) its a state of mind :)