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Revell FW-190- A8 "Sturmbock" 1/32

I have a plan Steve :) My life has in many ways revolved around motorcycles.. I bought my first one at 16 years old and sold my last at 64 last year.
I even run my own company selling hard to find Vintage Ducati parts .
So why not build a model motorcycle ? its back to my roots for me., back to basics and a subject i know and am relaxed with. Years ago i built a model 1/9 scale Triumph 3HW which was a 350cc British despatch bike (1940) from Italeri . It struck me at the time this would make a great civilian build. At some point it was released as by ESCI as a civvy model in the early 70's but these are collectors item and hugely expensive but as far as i know the Italeri virsion has all the original parts plus the military so it should all be in the box with the bonus of a Thomson sub machine, useful
for those hard to find parking spaces in the Supermarket car park

Its a plan :)
Yeah, Paddy, it is a mess over here with all the lies, mudslinging, and stupidity. So many folks just drink the Gov Kool-Aid and do what they are told without ever thinking about anything. I see it on the roads every day with cars wandering around due to stupid people and their cell phone dependency. It is amazing the number of cars with black plastic, mismatched, or no front bumper on their cars. Lucky for me I have a job I can work at till I can't work at it anymore.
Alas, we just can't fix stupid and the bell curves show that at least half the folks around are that to a T.
You know what Paul, i was looking at a Porsche Macan as thinking of changing the car. I actually walked away from it because it has so many "driver aids" i just thought you need to be either stupid to drive this, Porsche certainly think you must be, or love getting pointless electrics fixed.

Quite frankly if you cant stay in lane with out a buzzer going off or cant maintain your own safe distance from the car in front without automatic brakes cutting in or need the car to dip the lights when it thinks it should, or change the beam shape at junctions ? if you do , should you really be on the road at all ?
I looked at Audi and all their dash boards/instruments are now digital screens, 75% of the functions have very little to do with driving or operating the car. God help you if you need to get a screen fixed !!! its a complete dashboard out job. The emphasis is now on i-pod and i-phone ready tech in cars. The whole thing smacks of that guy over your side of the pond who put his Winnebago in cruise control and went back to make a cup of tea :) Treat people like idiots they behave like idiots and blame technology for not saving them when it all goes tits up :)
I am fixing up my 2007 Corolla with 170+k miles (273.6k kilometers). After replacing the motor mounts and front brakes, it seems to be running a lot smoother and quieter (probably the motor mounts) Am hearing a little grind now when I brake and that must be the rear drums (170k mi) I did some looking online and found some drums and shoes made by the same company as the motor mounts (which were VERY well made). The drums and shoes will be between $80 and $100 with shipping and I have the tools and know how to replace them and bleed the brakes. I have decided to keep the little blue scoot as it runs very well, gets 30ish miles per gallon, handles superbly and is still fun to drive and comfortable. Plus it is a Toyota which had needed minimal maintenance to keep it going.
Why buy a new car? 3 years ago I needed a van and bought a 2012 Toyota Sienna with 126k on it. Again it just runs and I do the oil changes and etc. After my experiences I wouldn't waste my time on a new German vehicle. They are expensive money pits.
Again i 100% agree, was just thinking of buying myself a present as i retire... :)
I have a an old Audi, 140k miles, goes like stink and drives like new. I will be keeping it`:) I bought it new in 2011this might intrest you...

S3 2011.jpg

S3 2021.JPG

first pic is brand new, second picture is at 10 years old /100k miles

Look at the trees :)
Very well-kept ride, Paddy! I wouldn't get rid of it either. Might you be interested in my 1983 KZ750L3? I'm the original owner, 34k original miles? Na, I'd never sell it and you'd never want it, but you've got a cool job and taking a transition into building bikes sounds like a great change of pace.

P.S. Up here in the Great White North, south of the 49th parallel, its Dodge 3500's and F-250's. Cars don't hang well in the heavy snow.
I got 4WD and heated windshield on the Audi, does that count :)
Ah! The summer driving package for the True North. For winter you need a couple of block heaters. One for the car, the extension cord that you'd see on our vehicles hanging out from under the hood or thru the grill (it didn't mean we had electric vehicles 60 years ago like some USAF visitors thought when they saw all the cars plugged in at the hangars) and one for the driver 🤶(a touque, toque or tuque).

In the 13 years you've had your Audi you would have likely replaced the windshield at least a couple of times from a tiny stone chip that you didn't know was there and a crack appears and runs across the windshield when you turn on the heater at -40C. A cracked windshield is part of the "Alberta Package", along with the gun rack and one headlight burnt out but the high beam still works so you drive with high beams on all the time. The front edge of the hood, grill and headlights will have multiple stone chips, spots of tar from road repairs and various bugs embbed in them.

Ah! The summer driving package for the True North. For winter you need a couple of block heaters. One for the car, the extension cord that you'd see on our vehicles hanging out from under the hood or thru the grill (it didn't mean we had electric vehicles 60 years ago like some USAF visitors thought when they saw all the cars plugged in at the hangars) and one for the driver 🤶(a touque, toque or tuque).

In the 13 years you've had your Audi you would have likely replaced the windshield at least a couple of times from a tiny stone chip that you didn't know was there and a crack appears and runs across the windshield when you turn on the heater at -40C. A cracked windshield is part of the "Alberta Package", along with the gun rack and one headlight burnt out but the high beam still works so you drive with high beams on all the time. The front edge of the hood, grill and headlights will have multiple stone chips, spots of tar from road repairs and various bugs embbed in them.

OMG Rich, that's funny.
When I got the Grand Forks AFB in May of 1983 they took me to barracks, Building 222, I noticed in the parking lot all the electrical outlets all over the place.
"Wow that's nice, they give everyone electrical outlets out in the parking lot so we can work on our cars."
"uh..No, that's for block heaters on our cars." they told me.
"What's a block heater" my dumb southern ass said much to the amusement of all in ear shot.
I soon found out! Likle 2-3 short months!
ok so my heated windscreen washer nozzles are not going to cut it :)

We have winter washer fluid that is supposed to remove snow and ice. :rotf It does keep the fluid from freezing in the reservoir but it mainly serves to freeze the wipers to the window. You forget this when using them to remove a skiff of snow and the blade and the arm are quickly separated. In that moment you forget how turn your wipers off and turn them on high instead as the metal arm scribes a nice arc on your windshield.
