Hi to all...
Well, after a few days of rest, I submerged in the computer to do the definitive plans of the nerves of the roof of the coach. These nerves will serve in turn as ceiling of the rooms and the corridor...
The nerves will be done in PVC as in the columns...
And here I leave you the plan of the piece that will shape the structure of the low ones of the coach...
In the wings it is possible to see certain curvature, and is in this curled part where some doors will go to be able to "accede" to electrical parts, pipelines, etc of the coach...
Shortly I will show you more advances of what I have been doing during these days...
I have added some details to the corridor and have begun to mount the bases of the sofas of the compartments of the coach...
Also I have done a few tests of proportions locating furniture to scale in the zone of the lounge...
I have finished the third party of five sofas of the coach. I am expecting to receive a few Evergreen's strips to do the structures of support of both sofas that are absent.
While I have been finishing the lattices of two compartments of the coach (the common bathroom and the room of the staff). Once finished these lattices, I have covered all the top unions with Tamiya's white Putty (I will leave it to dry up to today on Monday night) to unify forms. I will use sandpaper (FINISHING ABRASIVE) to make it ready for assemble end and for the process of painting...
Today on Monday I will continue working...