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RE.2005 Sagitario

That would have been the least likely of scenarios . I was thinking more of mass destruction !

Cheers, Christian B)
Finally got a chance to play with the lightning again. I took out the oils and did a pin wash ,cleaning up the excess as it dried.


After a reasonable amount of time I made up the usual Future/ Tamyia flat base and sprayed the top of the airplane.



This is not what I aimed to do . There it appears there was too much base in the future but worse than that all the shadows from the oils were not supposed to be there. Might be my fault though as the green was very dark at the time of the oil clean up. I might not have spotted the residue. :blush:

Do we have a paint expert on this site ? If so, your help would be appreciated.

Cheers , Christian B)
Man it looked good too! The last time I had to clean that stuff off I used alcohol. How long has it dried? Is that acrylic or enamel paint?
Well, I'll salvage it Dave. My biggest concern is the lack of spare decals.

It's only plastic and paint. :fencing I'll win the good fight. :drinks Christian

Should have know I was trying to make too clean for me !
Hey, I like that one! It looks good, Christian - leave it as it is I think it will cure and then you can overcoat it, baut it does look good on that pic.
Not sure how that can be fixed Chris. I dont know if it would screw up the paint beyond repair if you shot a mist of Windex with ammonia and then followed closely by a misting of future.This might bite into the previous future mix and merge the new future coat in to make it less frosty. If something like that worked the shadows could be toned down with a light coat of the original colour. Also if you end up stripping her, then maybe give these guys a buzz and see if they have those markings in stock.


PSI linked your help request here so people can find it easier. Best of luck my friend.
OK this might be a stupid idea but can you not first see if you can make it a very weathered bird?
Normally I would Dave but none of these had enough time to get very weathered. I'm trying to keep it believable.

Might have to reshoot the pertinent areas. Still hoping for the mad scientist to come up with the saving fix, although I'm not sure the Windex would not . I read where that would give you a super glossy finish.

Cheers, Christian B)
Chris, if you really wanted to try it, take a micromesh cloth and get some windex on it and lightly scrub the surface, if you do it really light you might be able to bring up that one layer, but it would soften the lower layers also.

I'm with Martin on this, think it looks good.

You know you can come back wth a clear gloss and tone down the dead flat.
Thanks Bob. I don't have the gut to try that one. The small build don't take well to rubbing of any sort without going through on the slightest bump. Would be far safer to mask and shoot. :java

Cheers, Christian B)
Well, I just shot another coat of clear finish and it seems good while drying behind the glass door . :yipee Hopefully it'll still look good tomorrow.

You guys will be surprised how it was fixed . I sure am ! :woohoo:

I still would like to talk with a chemist or someone that understands acrylics through and through.

Picture and explanation coming soon . :pilot

Cheers, Christian B)
Well done Chris, looking forward to seeing this one again, great subject and a great build :)
Well folks, let's recap :

I had a good looking paint job going on this airplane and then I did a pin wash with oils.
Cleaned it the following day and shot a coat of Flat future/Tamiya base and came up with this horrid finish. :S


I must say, I was at a loss . The oil being sealed with Future .

The rest of the story is sheer good luck :laugh: but I'll take


These are the only things I used to fix it.

I ran some of the retarder on the smudges and the colors began to change.

Not being sure what was taking place I just applied an even coat all over with the flat brush.

The next day, it looked better and glossier than the original coat of gloss Future .


I recently applied a new flat coat and it still looks good to me !


Cheers, Christian B)