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RE.2005 Sagitario

phantom II

Master at Arms
I shall start the new year with a little known aircraft. The Regia Aeronautica's last fighter airplane to enter production.


Considered to be the most beautiful Axis fighter, it had a clean and fascinating shape , exceptional flying characteristics, powerful armament and exceptional handling.

Due to it's late entry into production only a few saw combat. They were used by the 362 squadriglia to defend Rome and Naples. It's service life was from May 1943 to September of the same year when the war stopped in Italy.

Remaining airframes were flown to Germany after the armistice. Their fate is unknown. None survived the war.

Cheers, Christian B)
It truly is a beautiful aircraft! Even with the doghouse canopy, imagine if it was refined further with a bubble?

You mean . Ferrari is a strange looking automobile ? :java Hmmm ?

I think it would have been interesting too Saul . Like the bubble top KI-61 and the Bubble top P-40.

Guess we'll never really know, although the P-40's performance was markably improved. It certainly did not look like a P-40 anymore.

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks Dusan. Very little info on it and only a few poor quality pictures. I'm looking forward to it.

Cheers, Christian B)
Cool stuff Chris. Cant wait to see what you do with this one. Is it only a block colour scheme on this bird or are there any pics of some more exotically painted ones?
Well , there are the ones with the German markings with yellow upper/lower wingtips
or the Aeronautica Repubblicanna ( with the postage stamps ) and no white tail band.
All the same gray / green colors. I doubt they flew long enough for much weathering. Only a few
poor quality pictures available.

No known aftermarket pieces that I'm aware of. Even the seat belts will have to be borrowed.
I will probably add some things common to other fighters of the time period but mostly OB.

Cheers, Christian
Cool choice Chris , google " 362 squadriglia 22 gruppo re2005 sagittario " , ........... lots of pics. , info , cut - away diagrams , cockpit pics. etc.
Thanks for the help Cheyenne. I'll accept any help I can get.

I found a book I had put away in hope that someday a descent model of this plane would be produced.


This is bound to create some scratch building and other chaos.

Cheers, Christian B)
Lovely aircraft...."Archer"...

I'm with Moon... there is just something about Italian design... even their ugly planes (and they had several) looked elegant.
Perfect choice Christian.... :mpup

It's my best favorite airplane of WW II , along with Fiat G55 "Centauro":

I will stay tune.... :snoopy

Thanks Massimo. I have a G-55 in the line up as well. ( and a lot of others ) I really have a soft spot for the MC.200 and it's and it's derivatives... :pilot

Cheers, Christian B)
:blush: Sorry folks, there's been an awful of boring grown up stuff to hinder my posting including a sick wife.....But all is well.

A bit more of what's in the box.


Some very nice plastic :)


A bit of resin. The exhaust is very well represented and the clear pieces are very nice as well.


The decals are quite nice and crisp and in register. Not many options but there was not in real life either.

My only complaints is that there are no seat belts and no instrument details.

While looking through the spare box I found the needed items. First, the Eduards belts


For those of you that are wondering, i"ll explain. New unopened PE. and this is what I found. The envelope states "1/72 " and the instruction claim they are 1/48 . HELLO ! ! ! are you guys awake at Eduards ?

After freaking out they proved to be 1/72 so , forward we went.


They are very dainty and they would prove to be extremely fragile as the chains broke more than once while manipulating them . :vmad But eventually I triumphed.

For the instrument panel Mike Grant decals came to the rescue. Very nicely product. A small problem there again as the diameter of the instruments and the depressions in the panel are not in agreement. I don't know who's mistake it is but I just fudged it.


Not too bad but a lot of effort had to go into it . :S

I chose to re scribe the complete exterior so that the panel lines would accept the pin washes after the paint coats.


The inlet and outlet pieces in the oil cooler decided to disappear for a period equal to the amount of time that it took to open up the gills and manufacture/install the new parts.
Oh well, they look better than the kit one since they turned up. :blush:

At this point, I thought I was ready to glue the wings together, however Sword made a small error in their kit. Something in the geometry the landing gear and the mounts is angled wrong since it can't be folded in the wells.


Don't think I'm gonna correct it. It will just have to be assembled with the gear down :bang head
Yuuk. I hope it survives my big fingers !

Added some home made detail to the the cockpit .


While building the interior, I decided that it would be just as easy to build the rudder pedals and bracket than to clean up the kit item. I also made the missing stirups.


The seat, floor board and rear bulkhead are ready to go in the fuselage.


OK, I'm ready to see if that still fits together . :java

Hope you enjoy this wip. Comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Cheers, Christian B)