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Hi All !


New member
Hi !
Just joined Tanks and Things after reading about it in the latest issue of Tamiya Model Magazine :laugh: . I'm from Singapore and have been modelling since I was 8. Started with Airfix (don't we all :lol: ), graduated to Tamiya, Monogram, Dragon, Italeri, etc.; ran out of display space and am now doing mainly 54mm figures (occupies less display space) :woohoo: . In fact, I now sculpt my own figures. My avatar is an example of a fully sculpted DAK motorcycle crew for the Zvezda BMW R-12 kit and set in a scenic Tunisian coastal setting. Looking forward to participating more here as time goes by ;) . Cheers !
Kenneth :cheer: .
Hi Kenneth.

Welcome to T&T. That is a great looking little Italian vignette. I'm sure that Jenny will really like it, because of the birds, which are really cool. So now just check the place out, and consider sharing some of your work with us here in the forums.

Gary B)
Sweet looking figures (avitar).
You need to show us more... You can also join in on some of
the current group builds (check them out and start working on
something that fits the build). Nice sculpting.
I can't wait to see more.
Hey guys :laugh: !
Thanks a bunch for the warm welcome :woohoo: !!!! Yes, Rudi, the WIP was indeed posted on Armorama (Diorama section) (y) ; you have a really sharp eye and memory :D . As a matter of fact, I'm currently working on a vignette featuring a WW1 German pigeon handler and a cat. I'll definitely post some pics here when I get the chance to take some (hopefully soon ;) ). The figure has already been sculpted, by the way, and is 54mm in scale. Thanks, once again, and I'll "see" you chaps again real soon. Cheers !
Kenneth :mpup .