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Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D And Now It Goes Dark

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Frame Color

Looking very good Joe .. :popcorn .. I always enjoy your expertise on this stuff ... :pilot
Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Flaps

A brief update.

Been kind of out of the loop for a few weeks. Fires in the area have thrown a great deal of smoke up and that has caused me some issues. If you have not done so lately when you see one of the folks who risk injury or worse to fight fires, thank them. They do not get the praise that they truly deserve.

Took me three weeks to get these to this point. To be honest I am not completely happy with the way they look.

The flaps.


Next up is to try to detail the gun bay a bit and then maybe paint.

With rain finally and some cooler days and nights hopefully I can get back to feeling decent and get back to the bench more often.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Flaps

Uau! Amazing job. :notworthy

I cannot imagine building such a huge model. But you surely know what you are doing.

Looking forward to the next installments. :popcorn


Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Flaps

Very Good Joe ... Stay safe and I hope your situation improves ... :salute (y) :drinks
Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Flaps

Well shoot, thought I thanked you both for looking in.

Must be losing what was left of my mind.

Many thanks to you both both looking in.

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Work 99%

Here I am again.

Just a quick update on where the P-51D is at the moment.

I have begun on the interior.

I began by rough cutting the interior bulkheads for the area aft the cockpit.


From there I went to starting the detail work. Beginning with the frame work for the SCR 522 A, I also fabricated the fuel tank which lies behind the cockpit.


The wing is near complete. The only thing left to do is the cables for the wing guns.


I also played just a bit with the color as I want it to appear. In the picture below you will see three plastic spoons. The one on the left is Testors Gloss Black, the one in the center is Rustoleum Gloss White, and the one on the right is Testors Gloss Gray. They are all three sprayed with Alclad Airframe Aluminium. After several days of consideration I will be going with the Gloss Gray as the undercoat. It just looks better to me.


Next up is to work some on the radio equipment.

All comments, critiques, and comments are encouraged.

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Work 99%


Personally I don't think the grey base gives the alclad the depth it needs to be effective but that's just me. :popcorn
Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Work 99%

Many thanks.

MP I thought about that. I took a long hard look at both. The pictures really do not show it well. Throw in that the spoons had a rougher surface than I expected. The depth is not as good as with the Gloss Black but I think it will look much better on a better prepared surface.

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D SCR 522 A 70% Complete

Work on the interior continues.

Todays update will show the work on the radio equipment (SCR 522 A) as well as the work on the pilot seat.

First, here is the kit version of the radio equipment.


And now what I have done. This is not complete but I would say the radio equipment is about 70% complete.


I will be continuing to work on this over the next couple of days and then I will move on to the remaining bits aft the cockpit.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.
