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Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D And Now It Goes Dark

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Painted Engine and Compartmen

A quick update on the Mustang.

Paint has flown on the engine. Yes progress has been made. There have been some issues along the way and I do need to do some touch up on some pieces. I also managed to break off a few parts. All in all though not a big deal.

The engine got a coat of Gloss Black, the headers Flat Black, the exhausts were given the Alclad treatment with Polished Aluminium and then Model Master Metalic Burnt Iron. The firewall is Model Master Zinc Chromate Yellow, the oil tank is finished in Dark Aluminium.

I need to fix some of the small wires and such prior to getting it all into the fuselage.



And then with everything mocked up.


Moving right along.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Painted Engine and Compartmen

Your mustang is coming along nicely, Joe. I second the EZ line idea. That stuff makes cool electrical wires. Never thought about the masking tape for the wire tie. I'll have to remember that for my helicopter build.

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D All Coming Together

Folks it is all starting to really come together.

The last few days have been all about the little stuff and getting them and the interior ready for installation.

The attachment point for the radio antenna is done and attached to the seat. Other than the gunsight, piece of crappy plastic it is, everything is ready for installation.


The landing gear, nose cone, prop blades, and other assorted misc parts are nearing completion.


The next step for me will be to get everything into the fuse and close it up. My next update may well be the last until the article is given a yes or no. All in all this has been interesting to say the least.

A brief rant. To go along with the molded on flaps and rudder this piece that is to represent the gunsight is absolutely the worst attempt I have seen. It resembles neither the D-9 sight nor the K-14 sight used in the Mustangs. What a disappointment some of this has been.

Ah well........Onward.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D All Coming Together

Don't sweat the small stuff Joe, I'll bet you could scratch build the gun sight out of a some Walley-World packaging, like Me I'm cleaning up my place of business, found some things I started long ago. I use that indestructible acetate for windows in my HO building the styrene ones are much too thick to see through.

Beside you've done such a good job on the rest no one will look at that sight ... :woohoo: (y) :woohoo:
Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D All Coming Together

:ro: :ro: Looks great Joe! (y) Good luck with the article & Ihope to see this sealed up before the black out occurs :hmmm :drool
Hasegawa 1/32 P-51D Wing Attachment

Big progress to update.

The fuselage is closed, the wings are on.

That is the good news, the bad is I need to repair a ton of stuff as I had to use a major amount of force to be able to get the wing into place. Blasted thing fought me the whole time. I ended up removing a couple of parts, breaking some of the stringers off of the cut wing, splitting the fuselage, and assorted small stuff. I also had a misfire with a clamp that made my one piece tail wheel assembly into a three piece assembly that I had to pin together again.

Good lord that was a lot of work to get the wing on.

After all that I commenced to touching up the painting of the fuselage with Gloss Gray and then Alclad Airframe Aluminium.

So here is where it stood at the beginning of my session today.



Today was spent working on the landing gear and more touch up on the fuselage. Through the course of the upcoming week I will need to repair the wing and make sure all is good.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

Well here I am. The build is nearing completion.

I had some big issues with the decals. I had to spray the tail checkerboard. I had some other issues. I am not all that pleased with the decals, they were fragile and very fiddly.

i am about 95% finished with the kit. I do have the prop, the antenna wire, the tail wheel doors, and some tiny bits left.




This will be the last update from me until the article either gets printed or I get a no go for it.

All comments, critiques, and comments are encouraged.

Stunning Joe! And thanks for letting ussee her closed up before going dark! (y) (y) Best of luck on the article :drinks