I think i read somewhere that was one of the hydraulic cylinders to absorb the recoil, or return the gun to the forward position for firing the next round. One of my dubious sources so not sure where I read it...
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I believe that is the Rucklaufverstellung for the recoil brake. Cant find a good English translation, but this is what google says "Jerk Run Adjustment". So I am guessing the adjustment for the accumulator allowing for greater or lesser recoil braking action. Just a side not from what I have found, the brake had 10.7 litres of brake fluid while the recuperator had 39 litres and 19.8 litres of compressed air at 38 to 39 atmospheres.
(DeSisto, Frank V.: German Artillery At War 1939-45 Vol.2 - HongKong: Concord Publishing Company, 2008. - Page 24
What he saidAwesome. Nice attention to detail
What he saidAwesome. Nice attention to detail