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88mm FlaK 18 - 7th Update

I think i read somewhere that was one of the hydraulic cylinders to absorb the recoil, or return the gun to the forward position for firing the next round. One of my dubious sources so not sure where I read it...:mpup
I believe that is the Rucklaufverstellung for the recoil brake. Cant find a good English translation, but this is what google says "Jerk Run Adjustment". So I am guessing the adjustment for the accumulator allowing for greater or lesser recoil braking action. Just a side not from what I have found, the brake had 10.7 litres of brake fluid while the recuperator had 39 litres and 19.8 litres of compressed air at 38 to 39 atmospheres.

I believe that is the Rucklaufverstellung for the recoil brake. Cant find a good English translation, but this is what google says "Jerk Run Adjustment". So I am guessing the adjustment for the accumulator allowing for greater or lesser recoil braking action. Just a side not from what I have found, the brake had 10.7 litres of brake fluid while the recuperator had 39 litres and 19.8 litres of compressed air at 38 to 39 atmospheres.


That's a lot better answer than I had! :drinks

Great answer James, thanks. :soldier
i found some additional time yesterday and continued with the 88 ...

again i made a mistake, i glued in the rod on the LHS in unfolded position and after looking at the ref pic again i noticed that in reality it was folded - once seen, it's more than obvious:

(DeSisto, Frank V.: German Artillery At War 1939-45 Vol.2 - HongKong: Concord Publishing Company, 2008. - Page 24

so i had to bite the bullet and cut it in two again and reglue the backend of the rod ...

additionally i detected two further crewmen lolling around, one is the gunner. with all others observing the area and those two dudes in idling it's obvious that this is a staged photo and no battle action pic ...

now the barrel - afv-club got the barrel in the right shape and dimensions, dml not but afv-club omitted the six holes at the base of the barrel ... i drilled them out:

The Mission - Garden Of Delight

the holes in the barrel (six of them in 60° angle, starting on top of the barrel):



slowly, i really have to get out the mr surfacer to clean things up:



(y) (y)
That looks awesome!
I have the old tamiya 88, and i don't think that's even close to this, but i will give it a try....
no kitbash bob ...

well, a little bit of progress - it doesn't look like much but it was a lot of work to get it look right - after my last update i found a detail in a pic that james has posted in roman's blog ... a detail i have never paid attention to - the cabling of the fuse setting device and of the light signal receivers!

this pic:


i then looked at the boxart of the kit (sic!) and lo and behold, the cables are depicted in the boxart, then i looked through my references but found nothing helpful. then i searched for FlaK18 pics in the internet and it was the imperial war museum that came to my help:


i'm well aware that those cables weren't of any use in ground combat but they weren't always taken off so i wanted to have them on my kit!

something of interest are the two handles on the elevation/turning wheels - please note the larger bases of the handles ... something missing on the kit parts - so it's some more scratching work in the pipe ...

Metallica - Turn The Page

before i continued with the actual build, i replaced the bar thing on the RHS of the cradle with bent paper clip - much stronger:


the cabling and the outrigger securing chains - afv-club got the whole chain setup wrong so i had to pimp both sides a little bit with floral wire:



Cool stuff Laura. Never thought of wiring it up before, but it does add a lot. This will be a good referance for when I finally build one. (y) (y) (y)