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1938 gaz-03-30 bus


Active member
First off if you have a heart condition or difficulty breathing consult your physician before beginning this kit.
I have been working at this on and off during the bergepanther build. I decided to devote a bit more time to it today
In all fairness mini art did a fantastic job with this . A lot of it takes over engineering to a whole new level. Where there are a couple of small issues with dropping the ball. This is just the way the brake drums line up . Its back to old school basics to get that straight.
The first 13 steps is doing the frame and suspension.........



I did skip ahead a bit . I could not resist building up the coach works. Its all flat panels but goes together beautifully




the plan is to have this towing the minimart soviet limber that was done as a previous review as well as a few other goodies worked into the mix
Miniart kits are notorious for difficult to build frames, don't let looks deceive you. Looking forward to seeing this completed. :ro:
Got a tad more work done . Finally made it through the frame. This is the limber that I am planning to use with the bus. Next I will probably build a cargo rack for the top of the bus.



thanks guys. Im trying not to go overboard on this one and keep it simple . I have a feeling that's not going to happen
My ams is borderline terminal. It just gets worse when im listening to Disturbed and Godsdmack. They just make me want to rebuild everything