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The "Bigger Boat" you're going to need. 1/350 Orca

I stopped using the gallery when I learned how to use the "Add file/Insert" feature.
This message:
Failed to upload file 'Dead Orca moldjpg': You need to use allowed file extension (txt,rtf,pdf,zip,tar.gz,tgz,tar.bz2).
Okay, so if you were Me, and you made a cool resin boat model kit You were really proud of, and sales were not what you had hoped, what would you do? :idonno


If you are the TLAR Models CEO, you upgrade the Master, and get set to pour another mold!
This one has the cabin door included in it! :smack

I'm still turning over in my adled old brain how to mold those durn Egg-Dolphins! :gogo :facepalm :frantic
Way to go Rhino (y)

Hard to believe they have the same catch phrase as the Spartanburg car club :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)
The Minnesota guys had it long before the S'burg crowd. Nice woik there, Mister. We'll need to get you a better display base, those divots are almost as big as the boat. :side:

Congrats! :drinks

PS, did it snow? Looked like it did.
Way to go Rhino (y)

Hard to believe they have the same catch phrase as the Spartanburg car club :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)

I think the Minnesota gang stakes a far better claim on the phrase. I mean who has the better chance of snow, Spartanburg SC or anywheresville Minn? :rotf
Ed St. Dennis asked me if a Shark had bitten the base. :rotf
I just stuck Orca to a piece of SOMETHING to take Her to the Show.

Next Show report, Madison WI 3 March!

Thanks Men, for your kindnesses!!

A gift from Okinawa makes Mr. Clownie wonder why his Momma never visited when He was small.