Having returned from tonight's Plastic Surgeon meeting with my People, the Model Mojo was flowing! I asked Tim Dike of Model Warships his opinion of the 1/350 Shark Hunter.
Tim says "Congrats, but a bigger boat does not mean a bigger scale. Technically you would have to scale up the shark too! and then I see that the Indy was commissioned on this day in 1932. Hmmmmm". I respect and admire Tim, his opinion and his ship modeling skills. How could I ignore such wisdom and sage advice?
The Club consensus was similar. SOOoooooo...........
My thought was "I made the Boat, and a lot of other daunting, dinky things, Why couldn't I womp up an appropriate Master for a scale Porker?" I made Him out of resin scraps from my Office garbage can.
Those cheeky Clown Fish are on the run!!
What you see here is my initial, 2-piece molded, horrible, over-scale Great White shark casting and his smaller "In Progress" 1/350 scale Great White shark Master. Not having finished or molded Mr. Whitey 350, He'll come as a running change in the Movie-star Shark Hunter kit. He scales out at just a bit over 25 feet long.
Have no worries Jokesters! You'll still get a Clown fish!!
The Taxidermy man is going to have a heart attack when he sees what I bring him!