So, You're a US Navy 1/700 submarine enthusiast. You've built all the World War II boats, waterline and full-hull. Every other Sub kit is 1/350 or bigger and very expensive, these days. What about the Balao-class Fleet Snorkel boats of the 1950's and '60's?
Now I don't want you to think of this as a conversion set. It isn't. It's one Portsmouth style sail, Like USS Torsk, in Baltimore, and one North Atlantic/ GUPPY I/Ia style sail and one Electric Boat style sail like USS Requin's in Pittsburgh.
Snorkel mast, periscopes and radar masts will have to fabricated. You still have to sure about what fit your chosen boat model is, but this is a dandy starting place for a largely overlooked era of US Navy submarine history in 1/700 scale.
The intention is to give your 1/700 World War II 1/700 Gato and Balao class US Navy submarine models a fine Cold War facelift!
I recommend Fujimi's 1/700 Balao class Submarine kit. These Fleet Snorkel boats retained their original 311 foot length so you can still use the lower hull and be historically accurate. Active and passive SONAR arrays and transducers may vary from Snorkel to Snorkel boat.
The 1/700 scale "Strike From the Sea" kit is still building with a GUPPY III submarine as planned. . I may split off the the earlier 1/700 scale GUPPY boats for a kit of their own. The GUPPY III USS Clamagore/USS Tiger Fish sub kit may need to be another separate model as well.
I have trouble choosing my stopping places. What do you guys think?