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Tamiya Famo Sd Ah 116 trailer and DML Panzer 3

Hello again,

Small update ,the instrument panel has now been painted in Ammo paints and gloss cleared.
Did not get to this job started the other day because there is so much time needed to apply each decal and I do not want to rush this area.

It's a main part of the cab where we all look into the model to look at the gauges . :cheer:

Once the decals are applied a coat of Testers Dullcote will be sprayed across the top to seal the decal.
A dob of gloss on a small fine paint brush will be dropped on the speedo dial and anywhere where there may be glass covers .

A nice job this weekend :S :pinch: :eek:hmy:

Yes Bob,

Always apply the decal wet .

Sometimes when the decal is applied by rubbing onto the plate it does not sit properly and tends to tear at the edge.

I think in some respects Archer should look at having the decal packs being supplied wet because they are more likely to last with the application of a wet decal onto the subject better than a rub on decal .

Have used a lot of the Archer decals in the wet method and this is and always will be my preferred method.

Depending on the subject sometimes if it is a large area a rub on transfer may work but when you rub on the transfer onto the subject you do not know if the decal is sitting properly on the subject .Because you cannot see it ,
when it's on there is no going back .Where as with the wet method , you can position properly and you are not tearing the decal, also you can reset the decal if it's not in the right position by using the wet method .

When you like a preferred method of choice you stick with it . :)

Yes Bob,

Always apply the decal wet .

Sometimes when the decal is applied by rubbing onto the plate it does not sit properly and tends to tear at the edge.

I think in some respects Archer should look at having the decal packs being supplied wet because they are more likely to last with the application of a wet decal onto the subject better than a rub on decal .

Have used a lot of the Archer decals in the wet method and this is and always will be my preferred method.

Depending on the subject sometimes if it is a large area a rub on transfer may work but when you rub on the transfer onto the subject you do not know if the decal is sitting properly on the subject .Because you cannot see it ,
when it's on there is no going back .Where as with the wet method , you can position properly and you are not tearing the decal, also you can reset the decal if it's not in the right position by using the wet method .

When you like a preferred method of choice you stick with it . :)


I've never tried the wet method but I have seen the problem you talk about with the rub on. I can see how the wet would have its advantages. (y)
Thanks Bob,

Small update again,
All the Archer placards and instrument dials,speedo are now on.

14 in total , happy days could not get a clear photo of it but here it is.

Cheers Mate ... I agree with your take on wet decals ... I've tried dry rub before and had the same results as you ... Carry on ... nice job as always ... See You at Eagle Quest a sure winner !!! ... :soldier (y) :ro: :dude
Thanks guys,

Swordsman ,
Eagle Quest would be good to travel to , having a transport box made up now and should be due to be picked up this week. Will drop some images on the box to transport this beast :pilot . :cheer: :laugh:

Thanks Ed

Back with the next installment

Been a little out of touch with figure painting.
Apart from the earlier adventure with the acrylics this is the second attempt

2 down 9 to go :eek:hmy:

The guy on the right is painted in Humbrol enamel. The guy on the left has been painted in Vallejo acrylics.
Oil paints used for the face and hands
And optivisor is the way to go :good: :laugh:

And in the tray

In my humble opinion, I like the looks of the uniform painted with the Vallejo paint better than the Humbrol

Cheers, Christian
I like them both, uniform colors are not 100% uniformed. I like the guy with his arms down better. That's just me. :popcorn
Actually nothing to do with color Bob.

The shades of the one painted in Vallejo paint is more subtle .

Easier to believe :)
Nice painting job on figs :good: ...I agree with the others opinions,Vallejo acrylics perform better,it is more easy to make the shadows and highlights :eek:ldguy
