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Spirit of St Louis build thread

Not even the thermos. Think I might try and make a bag of sandwiches and thermos to put on the seat. He must have been a skinny fella because they ain't a lot of room to get in that thing.
Jimmy Stewart was real thin.

I guess Lindbergh's pal Goering wasn't taking a try behind the wheel, huh?

Silver by the way. :rotf
Jimmy Stewart was real thin.

I guess Lindbergh's pal Goering wasn't taking a try behind the wheel, huh?

Silver by the way. :rotf

I read that there was only one other person who ever flew the Spirit, that was Bud Gurney, Lindy's barnstorming buddy. Nope, don't think Fatso was gonna get in this thing, hell i doubt I could get in it! :rotf
Nice Office MP ..... I'd say the kitchen sink is in there somewhere ...... looks very nice ....... ALC-101 ..... not sure but I'm thinking you should use the gloss black primer ..... to deepen the Alclad II .... :eek:ldguy
Really productive day.

Cockpit all done and got the fuselage closed up. now is seal a gap time!

I changed the color of the aft part of the inside fuselage, first a wash of buff and then a wash of leather. hard to see but the tone changed greatly.

I really thought I took more pictures but this is all I have.


Hey this looks great, but don't forget the bag of sandwiches.

Nice Office MP ..... I'd say the kitchen sink is in there somewhere ...... looks very nice ....... ALC-101 ..... not sure but I'm thinking you should use the gloss black primer ..... to deepen the Alclad II .... :eek:ldguy

ALC-101 is Aluminum and not one of the high shine flavors so a gloss black base is not required but doesn't hurt for the effect you want to get.
Just to redeem myself a bit, I can do a High Shine finish, just fail on the follow up.


Update, wing on!

I just lost a lot of workbench space.


And now, the WTF moment.



Rattle can Tamiya primer. :bang head
Yes I cleaned the wing like I did the other parts, well I couldn't get it in my ultrasonic but I used windex to clean it. Why can't things just work for me?! :bang head :bang head
You think not rattled enough? I'm not a fan of rattle can but this has so much surface to get covered I doubt I would have enough bottles on hand to get'er done.

So, how does one make a bag of sandwiches in 1:32 scale, I know, 1:32 short order cooks :rotf
You need the scale ruler App ..... and make a one to one and convert it ..... that reminds Me I need to download that ..... :hmmm
I haven't checked it out either ..... I was surfing on the old phone last night trying to find & download wi throttle lite to download & I saw that one ...... and said ..... :hmmm
Has preset scales and custom scales but...only incremental by 10s and there is no 1:32 or 1:35 scales in the preset.
I downloaded Model Scale Calculator .... from Google play store ...... and it has all the stuff you need for example a 4" sandwich (one side) would be .12" in 1:32 scale .... :hmmm ..... I also installed a bubble lever & inclinometer ..... these are great as the bubble level becomes a centering bubble when you lay the phone down ...... :eek:ldguy
Got those apps. Very handy.
Looking good Bob. I assume the issue is the really glossy bottom and dull top?
Got those apps. Very handy.
Looking good Bob. I assume the issue is the really glossy bottom and dull top?

Yes, I don't want to derail MP thread but we did start this because of scale sandwiches ..... I've given Him the answer .... now He's on His own with the lettuce .... :rotf