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Special Hobby Tempest 1/32 finished

Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

When i bought it i bought the right to moan about it as well :laugh:
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

I,m sure eduard used to screen print the PE, this stuff i have here is PE, vinyl coated and its simply not even glued as far as i can see.

The piece on the left is the painted surface that has just fallen off the PE part on the right..

This explains the improvement in print quality but if it doesn't stick to the metal it is useless! I hope I don't have that issue. By the way, the fabric belts are by HGW with Eduard hardware. RB Productions also has a set of fabric belts with PE hardware.

section 28 and 29 clearly show the undercarriage wells being assembled into the bottom half of the wing however by section 30 they are clearly assembled in the top half of the wing. You can't assemble in the top half of the wing because all the positioning points are on the bottom half but you cant then add all the little webs and parts in section 30 while its assembled in the bottom half...
Maybe i'm missing something :laugh:

Well, I read the text and it seems you are supposed to glue the landing gear bay walls tot he bottom wing half, as you asserted, but also the top wing halves to the bottom in step 29. By step 30, there is a note that the bottom is omitted from the view... (Step29 pohle zespodal/the bottom view, B1 vynechán/B1 omitted)

This was done so you can see where to glue the gussets.

Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

This explains the improvement in print quality but if it doesn't stick to the metal it is useless! I hope I don't have that issue. By the way, the fabric belts are by HGW with Eduard hardware. RB Productions also has a set of fabric belts with PE hardware.


Thanks for the correction there Saul, I knew it was one of those but as there is no wifi at work now I reply on my phone. (It doesn't work nearly as well as my tablet) :facepalm
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

Problem is Saul, the opening in the underside of the wing is much smaller than the interior outline of the wheel well so once you have assembled the top half to the bottom half there is no way you would get parts H15 or H16 in position. All the other bracing angles would have to go in through the wheel aperture and round the corner to the correct position.
Anyway as they say, where there is a will there is a way :)
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

Problem is Saul, the opening in the underside of the wing is much smaller than the interior outline of the wheel well so once you have assembled the top half to the bottom half there is no way you would get parts H15 or H16 in position.

So it is poor design which the illustrator tried to hide. :D

Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

Basically yes, the whole assembly should be on to the top half of the wing but the top has no positioning marks, they are on the bottom half :)
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

Could you assemble the parts to each other and use some blue tack to hold them in place on the wing bottom. Then, put the wing top on and glue them to the top. When dry pull the wing bottom off. The blue tack should release and the parts are now located in the wing top and you can easily add the detail parts.
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

Sometimes builds go to plan, others seem like unnecessary hard work.
Firstly i should point out that most of the problems here are my own making or as a result of poor after market additions. The kit is absolutely brilliant.
Having been off the scene for several years i keep making stupid mistakes that a regular builder would spot a mile away.
Today i joined the fuselage to the wing, always a bit of a worry in non mainstream kits but while paying super attention to the fit at the wing root and underside, taping the thing up and strategically placing rubber bands.....I completely forgot about dihedral :blush:

The general fit of the wing to fuselage is excellent OTB, in fairness i have cut the flaps out of the wings so i would expect the underside fit to be slightly out as the plastic has sprung without the flaps.

However after an hour i removed the tape and clamps etc and straight away i thought....I never noticed a Tempest to be a gullwing like a F4u Corsair...

Anyway the long and the short...I have "un" stuck the to parts, i can see its easy to spread the wings a little to slot the fuselage between and lose the dihedral....which is what i did. Once again i find myself rescuing this poor kit from myself. Of course it would be nice to gloss over these "minor mistakes" but then no one would learn from them and it would defeat the object of this thread :)
Apologies to Special Hobby..this is not your fault :laugh:

As a footnote you can see where on the later radial engine version the radiators will sit in the wing root rather than in the "chin" as on this MkV
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

now fixed, Its only a small amount but it makes a huge difference, more noticeable from wing top surface to fuselage side than underneath
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

By narrowing the fuselage so it didnt spread the wings when slotted in, The whole fuselage assembly was a little wide so you had to bow the wings down to open the gap. I used the side of a sharp blade and scrapped it down to size.
Not quite got the fit i had but i couldnt live with it as it was and its to expensive to bin :).......now, wheres my tube of filler :)
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

I was advised to go for the after market metal undercarriage on this because of the size but TBH i prefer the plastic version.
I think that because the kit is pretty basic, no engine or gun compartments etc its actually not heavy and plastic will be fine.

These are the metal option

but in my opinion the superb kit mouldings are actually more detailed.

I'm not going to fit these yet, the build has got a bit messy and i want to capitalise on what i have done so far and get some quality back into the build so lots of back tracking and cleaning up to do
Special Hobby Tempest 1/32

Lots of cleaning up done and lots still to do PE flap housing fitted in bottom wing.

Its easy to try and find perfection with fit of a lot of these parts then you go and look at an original in a museum and find the fit on the real thing was not that good anyway :)