Re: Something really different Update December 4, 2010
Thanks Jeff!
Here's some more!
I needed to "Doll up" the base. So I veneered three rows of walnut strips, 2 vertical and one horizontal on the top of the base.
I had three brass plates engraved. Simpatico is the name. Gail thought of it. As both of us loved this house from childhood, it was appropriate. Her birthday is actually today, but I will deliver this to her on the 17th which worked out in our schedules.
The finished base and trim.
I had originally planned on making this brick in a chevron pattern as the real thing. If I had unlimited time, I would have. But, instead, I used artistic license and just laid it normally. I found a sheet of 1/35th brick, then painted it gray, gave it a wash to coat the mortar, then hand painted each brick. I like the results, it looks real, at least I think so.
See what you think. Also, notice the small portico roof. That will be what the entire roofing will look like!
Now, I still had the master bedroom to make. I started with the doll house furniture, converted it fairly extensively, added some other 1/35th furniture and went for a theme. I decided on light gray/white/black/walnut. The back wall was to be a huge two story cathedral wall.
After I primed it with flesh paint. I used artists oils to create the walnut panel look.
Then because it was so tall and would dwarf the furniture, I needed a large white sculpture. All I could think of was a really big sculpture like Susan and I had in an earlier home, made by a local artist. So, I went into my PE scrap box and found a Bare branch tree set.. Using that and a strip of Evergreen plastic, I began sculpting.
Then I painted it camouflage Gray.
I had two of the coach lights left over and sprayed them with the same color. All mounted, the wall looked right!
Then all the furniture was painted the same and all the tops and trim were given the same walnut treatment as the wall.
If anybody is interested in the wood technique, It is explained here.
You notice I added a pic of dad to go over the mantle. I want Gail to remember who built this damned thing, Know what I mean?
Then the floor.
One of the walls with fireplace, it looks nothing like the one I bought!
The sheets, pillow and bedspread were made with a handkerchief and some cloth trim I found at WalMart.
All the stonework is finished as well as the brick work. Here are some various shots. Note the short stone wall. Between that and the house will be all the evergreens and shrubs.
If you look close, everything is drawn on the base, driveway, grassy areas, exterior pole lights and so on.
This is where I am tonight.
Compare when I started.
Till next time, probably the last post. It should be finished next week!