Nowadays, I flood forums with many reference images without being asked. Why? Read on...
For decades, I accumulated a huge reference library of old fashioned books and some digital ones. These were used to provide companies with material to improve the accuracy of their products. Eventually, I began receiving requests from modelers in my messaging platforms as well as direct e-mail. Of course, I shared the information but only asked for one thing in return, let me see what you did with what was provided.
Those that did can come back and request more (or different) information but quite a few decided not to comply so they were cut off. Why? I paid for these references and took the time to prepare the packages sent digitally or physically.
However, there were some that simply made no sense in requesting the information then either ignoring it or completely going against it. Let me explain by giving an example.
Someone contacted me after seeing my Hasegawa Ki-84 Hayate started (13 years ago so harder to guess who it was). He/She saw that I had a lot of reference material and requested quite a bit on the cockpit. The person shared how they meticulously detailed tha cockpit using the information provided and explained why some details were not incorporated. So far, so good, as some details would require skills or techniques that aren't feasible or available.
Next, that person asked me about 'tin canning' but I replied that the Hayate was designed with thicker skin and didn't have that visible on the cockpit sides. A reply came back showing me photographs of other Japanese aircraft with tin-canning on the cockpit sides so my response was simply to include the skin thickness diagrams of those aircraft, then that of the Hayate, with a challenge to let me see photographs showing that effect on the Hayate. Then, silence...
I wasn't informed of what was done with the information sent and the model was completed with tin-canning everywhere including the cockpit sides.
Months later, a new request for references from that person. I didn't respond. He/She found me on FacePlant and asked me publicly why I didn't reply to the private request. My response was that I spent time sending my paid reference material only to have it and my opinion ignored. That person didn't even show me a follow-up as the result (tin-canning) would show that my recommendation, and reference images/data, were ignored. Defensively, they stated that they build for the art to which I responded; "Indeed, it is beautiful to look at but technically inaccurate on the outside after spending so much trouble making the cockpit as accurate as possible. Next time, make the insides as inaccurate as the outside or spend your own money and time on references. This well is dry."
So now all know why it is easier to flood the references here and allow anyone to do as they please since I am not going out of my way to prepare a 'package.'
Does this mean that I don't respond to requests? Of course, I do to those I already know. If someone is new to me, I will post 'teaser' references in their threads. If they use it and ask for more, they're in as they showed what they did with the references posted.
Anyway, enjoy your holidays (Thanksgiving in the US is tomorrow) and I am thankful to all here for this community.
For decades, I accumulated a huge reference library of old fashioned books and some digital ones. These were used to provide companies with material to improve the accuracy of their products. Eventually, I began receiving requests from modelers in my messaging platforms as well as direct e-mail. Of course, I shared the information but only asked for one thing in return, let me see what you did with what was provided.
Those that did can come back and request more (or different) information but quite a few decided not to comply so they were cut off. Why? I paid for these references and took the time to prepare the packages sent digitally or physically.
However, there were some that simply made no sense in requesting the information then either ignoring it or completely going against it. Let me explain by giving an example.
Someone contacted me after seeing my Hasegawa Ki-84 Hayate started (13 years ago so harder to guess who it was). He/She saw that I had a lot of reference material and requested quite a bit on the cockpit. The person shared how they meticulously detailed tha cockpit using the information provided and explained why some details were not incorporated. So far, so good, as some details would require skills or techniques that aren't feasible or available.
Next, that person asked me about 'tin canning' but I replied that the Hayate was designed with thicker skin and didn't have that visible on the cockpit sides. A reply came back showing me photographs of other Japanese aircraft with tin-canning on the cockpit sides so my response was simply to include the skin thickness diagrams of those aircraft, then that of the Hayate, with a challenge to let me see photographs showing that effect on the Hayate. Then, silence...
I wasn't informed of what was done with the information sent and the model was completed with tin-canning everywhere including the cockpit sides.
Months later, a new request for references from that person. I didn't respond. He/She found me on FacePlant and asked me publicly why I didn't reply to the private request. My response was that I spent time sending my paid reference material only to have it and my opinion ignored. That person didn't even show me a follow-up as the result (tin-canning) would show that my recommendation, and reference images/data, were ignored. Defensively, they stated that they build for the art to which I responded; "Indeed, it is beautiful to look at but technically inaccurate on the outside after spending so much trouble making the cockpit as accurate as possible. Next time, make the insides as inaccurate as the outside or spend your own money and time on references. This well is dry."
So now all know why it is easier to flood the references here and allow anyone to do as they please since I am not going out of my way to prepare a 'package.'
Does this mean that I don't respond to requests? Of course, I do to those I already know. If someone is new to me, I will post 'teaser' references in their threads. If they use it and ask for more, they're in as they showed what they did with the references posted.
Anyway, enjoy your holidays (Thanksgiving in the US is tomorrow) and I am thankful to all here for this community.