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Silverwings Curtis P6-E Hawk Build

Thanks for the advice guys. Well you know me, I didn't wait for an answer. Figure if I screw it up I could strip it all down and start again. Not bad but not worthy of a picture yet. You'll see...:evil:

Well, the n just scratch out the word patience and type in " Damn the torpedoes " :captain

Cheers, Christian B)

You know me Chris. :captain



Well, the side talons are decal accented by ta :good: miya gloss black. It wasn't so bad, you just had one stroke you're dealing with before I reloaded the brush with thinner and then more paint. Sorry to have caused all the conversation about it but it was really my only option, paint supplies are low.

I put another coat of Drab on the fuselage and tested making a mask from the decals, I did, at the cost of the decal...but they gave me spare for the shape I'm needing so no lose. I'm going to box this up and let that humbrol drab cure up a couple of days before trying to spray the black nose. If you see the next picture it being all drab...you'll know how bad I failed! :frantic

HAHAHAHA :rotf Yup . Just glad you were not a member of EOD. :good:

Cheers, Christian B)
Very great job on the talons Bob .... Oh crap the whole thing looks good ..... I'll be watching for the next Update ..... :popcorn
I think You are doing a great job on this one. (y) The spats have good contrast - well, black and white -DUH- :facepalm , I mean, you did a good job of replacing the dreaded decals.

Its hard to imagine this is a resin kit sure looks like a injection moulding;

So keep at it and also getting "weller"; I took nearly 4+ weeks but I are an old coot :stinker :eek:ldguy
Thanks Steve.

Just got back from the Doc and seems things have passed. Just got to get the umpht back.

The kit is great, maybe if I had taken a bit more time cleaning up mating surfaces I wouldn't have had such gaps to fill in. Very good quality kit I have to say, not a Tamiya by any means but it's going together well.
I felt the mojo flowing....





I was scared as hell pulling that mask off waiting to see the drab peel away but it's solid as a rock. I'm going to have to work on the black some to get a consistent finish as the dead flat Drab sucked up any glossy effect of the Tamiya X1. I wanted to use it to be consistent with the black on the landing gear. I feel several layers of gloss coming up before I attempt any decal work.

Tomorrow's menu...Chrome Yellow. :pilot :coolio
Glad to hear your feeling better MP ..... and back at the bench .... don't sweat the small stuff looks very good ..... :eek:ldguy
Really coming-on now, boss. Mind-you I said something similar a few weeks back and, erm.... :blush:

It's a long road my friend...and I'm driving a row boat.... :skipper

Figured to use the Testors Lacquer Clear Gloss at this point before attempting any decals.

The good

with the Bad...


:bang head :bang head :bang head

I don't know why it did that. I know I can fix it but DANG!!!! :frantic