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Silverwings Curtis P6-E Hawk Build

Well good tonic it was.

Think I'm passed the sand fill repeat stage and got some color on the fuselage.


That's about it for now... :eek:ldguy
it looks real good, just how big is that kit any way? I am thinking about the size of the Hasegawa F4B4.
OD and yellow- now I'm happy! Talons on the wheel pants? :drinks

That's what i'm going for Chuck. More Drab than Olive from the looks of things but like all colors, think there's great debate to what color it was.

Paul I'll get a shot of it up next to something for scale next time I'm in the garage. But it was about the same size as the P-12. Hope to have it up on legs next shot, if I didn't just jinx myself. :frantic
Yes it is Dave, very 30's art deco styling I think.


Like that streamlined locomotive they had back then.
And he's back !

Hope you're feeling better Bob . Glad to see you back on this one . :good:

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks Chris, still not 100% but pluggin' along.

Working with the decals for the wheel flarings and my greatest fear is on me. I may have to freehand the front of those things. The decals did well for the side talons but no way they would fit and conform to the complex surface up front.

Would Tamiya X1 black brush ok?
I wouldn't risk it Moon, I've never had good results brushing Tamiya, which I tried once and never again.

In fact, I would try brush painting anything but Tamiya...love 'em for airbrushing though.

Thanks Chris, still not 100% but pluggin' along.

Working with the decals for the wheel flarings and my greatest fear is on me. I may have to freehand the front of those things. The decals did well for the side talons but no way they would fit and conform to the complex surface up front.

Would Tamiya X1 black brush ok?

I echo Tom's fear of brush painting Tamiya . Particularly on top of something else . I think you'll regret it.

( A ) I think that if those talons are separate I would give the spats a couple of good coats of Future and let it cure good.

Then , if the other decals went on good I would really try to decal these as well .

Make sure you have the necessary chemicals and be patient to make them lay down properly . Everything does not need Solvaset .

( B ) If you are convinced that the decals won't work, try doing it by hand using some Vallejo model color using water to make it flow better

Plan on more Future coats afterwards for the gloss finish.

( C ) If you don't like any of the above , make a stencil using blue tack and spray the black . Remember Future on first. That allows for removing anything you don't like .

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks for the advice guys. Well you know me, I didn't wait for an answer. Figure if I screw it up I could strip it all down and start again. Not bad but not worthy of a picture yet. You'll see...:evil:
Thanks for the advice guys. Well you know me, I didn't wait for an answer. Figure if I screw it up I could strip it all down and start again. Not bad but not worthy of a picture yet. You'll see...:evil:

Well, the n just scratch out the word patience and type in " Damn the torpedoes " :captain

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks for the advice guys. Well you know me, I didn't wait for an answer. Figure if I screw it up I could strip it all down and start again. Not bad but not worthy of a picture yet. You'll see...:evil:

Well, the n just scratch out the word patience and type in " Damn the torpedoes " :captain

Cheers, Christian B)

You know me Chris. :captain



Well, the side talons are decal accented by tamiya gloss black. It wasn't so bad, you just had one stroke you're dealing with before I reloaded the brush with thinner and then more paint. Sorry to have caused all the conversation about it but it was really my only option, paint supplies are low.

I put another coat of Drab on the fuselage and tested making a mask from the decals, I did, at the cost of the decal...but they gave me spare for the shape I'm needing so no lose. I'm going to box this up and let that humbrol drab cure up a couple of days before trying to spray the black nose. If you see the next picture it being all drab...you'll know how bad I failed! :frantic