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I got a more simple answer. Kit tracks.
if it's more construction I'll pass.
Isn't modeling just construction? Hmmmm?hyeah
if it's more construction I'll pass.
I guess you simply want to get her done!
Offer stands if the kit tracks give you trouble.
Well then....
I got some bench time in, thought I might have enough tracks built to finish both runs. Went to test fit, nice and snug around the drive sprocket. Road wheels are all still moving and they fit just fine. Tried to run the top run over the return rollers but didn't have clearance between the return rollers and hull. Why?? because the return roller is .5mm wider than the idler, road wheels and sprocket, the guide horns wil not fit over the returns.
Friuls will not work with this kit unless you thin the return rollers prior to installing. Which opens a whole new can of worms.
Going to the kit tracks.