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Long Haul Scania 142H Tractor part 1

Very nice my friend! You have done a fine job on the trailer & I agree with Bob, with the right backdrop, this would look real. Here in the U.S.of A. us old truck drivers do whatever is necessary to get the job done.
The weathering is pretty spot on as well :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
Very nice my friend! You have done a fine job on the trailer & I agree with Bob, with the right backdrop, this would look real. Here in the U.S.of A. us old truck drivers do whatever is necessary to get the job done.
The weathering is pretty spot on as well :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Hi there Ed. Thank you kindly. So it is all over the world Ed. :) Gret to hear from you on that end. :good:
I'll add to this chorus: simply superb! These are some of the best "realistic" finishes I've ever seen- cheers! Add your building and fabrication skills and end result is sheer delight. I can feel the grease and oil from here!
I'll add to this chorus: simply superb! These are some of the best "realistic" finishes I've ever seen- cheers! Add your building and fabrication skills and end result is sheer delight. I can feel the grease and oil from here!

Aw! Thanks buddy. Glad to hear it.
Here is the tractor I built just for this trailer unit. The blue Scania 142H tractor unit has now been replaced with this Scania 144L 530 unit. I think it suits the trailer better, especially with the similarities of the color schemes. Hope you guys liked this better.


Holy Smokes that's just awesome! Charles your weathering is outstanding, these things look real :notworthy
I knew I saw the metal plate somewhere. Is it possible to do a step by step on how you painted it? I have a plastic sheet I need to turn into a metal plate to place a gun on and I think yours is what I am looking for.
I knew I saw the metal plate somewhere. Is it possible to do a step by step on how you painted it? I have a plastic sheet I need to turn into a metal plate to place a gun on and I think yours is what I am looking for.

Hi James. I completed the how-to text a couple of weeks ago, but I just need to take some pics of the process. If you are in a hurry then you can get the text written version if you like.
I see you have gone and done it again Charles! I don't know how you do it BUT, I really like it!!! :woohoo: Fantastic job on the truck & the weathering sets it off immensely!! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
I see you have gone and done it again Charles! I don't know how you do it BUT, I really like it!!! :woohoo: Fantastic job on the truck & the weathering sets it off immensely!! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Much appreciated. Glad you approve of this tractor and color rendition.
There is nothing more I can say that hasn't already been said. These builds are just amazing! Every part, from assembly to paint to weathering. Just superb.