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I-16 Mosca the blue tailed fly.

Thanks Chris, Bob, Luiz, Warren , Randy .

Yes, It very close to being finished, even though I've not been able to make more progress since the last post.

In the process of fixing the uneven gear I knock one of the upper gear doors off and the other went place unknow ? ? ?

No effort to locate it has worked so , I hope to get around to making some new ones tonight/tomorrow perhaps .

I'm just about to catch up on things to do but might wind back up at the chiropractor . My back feels awful .

Cheers, Christian B)
You've worked hard on this, Christian, I'm sure the 'door incident' won't make too much difference in the end.

You've worked hard on this, Christian, I'm sure the 'door incident' won't make too much difference in the end.


Thanks Ian. I'm sure it will all come together . It's just sucking up more time.

Making doors only takes a matter of minutes but the mixing paint and spraying eats up time.

Mentally I'm ready to move on but my back does not want to hear about it.

Another round with the chiropractor in AM ... :S

Cheers, Christian B)
You've come a long way with this little bird ... She's sitting Purdy ... :pilot

Thanks for your kind words . It's mainly smoke and mirrors but I'm still working on it.

Maybe some Vodka ?

Cheers, Christian B)

Smoke & mirrors works quite well ... nice even better than last post ... (y) (y) (y)

Might just need more Vodka for the pain...... :rotf Thank you for your kind words. I'll get it eventually :fencing

Just a small update . I seem to be on the mends . Thanks to a massage therapist (y) . Everyone else was a flop ! ( Good thing I'm spoken for , She was great )

This bird got sorta dirty while I was trying to get better.

Gear doors are back on but now I'm having to replace another gear retract cable. Wish I had something better to work with on hand .


Anyhow, off to an SCMA show with MP & Iron Mike tomorrow. more updates soon.

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks Dave, Mike, James, Chuck .

No problem Luiz . There will be more pictures now that I'm not so pressed for time.

Cheers, Christian B)
The show was not much to brag about ( unless you are just a car guy )

The vendors were there but 95 % for car guys ( what I expected ).

I did buy a Revell Lancaster though but when I looked at it I was disappointed as it was an old mold in a new box . :facepalm

Oh well, someone will get a cheap Lanc. a the club raffle Friday . :frantic

Meanwhile . the gear is all on . Just hope I'm able to tighten the cables latter without breaking them .


I blackened a couple pieces of brass tubing and installed them in the wings as well.

I spent the morning cleaning up the rocket bits and rails . Glad there was only six.


a trial fit revealed that the Eduard engineers are still not talking to one another.


Luckily, I have a dremel bit small enough to elongate the hole :sick:

I had an idea this afternoon. Mixed some Mrsurfacer with Tamiya pain and cut it with Gunze thinner . It mixed well and went on like normal primmer :good: .


That's all for now. Cheers, Christian B)
Not to complain but I'm sort of surprised no one had any thoughts concerning my combining two painting steps. :idonno

Cheers , Christian B)