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P-38J "MISS ANN" VIII Fighter Command Night Intruder Trials Detachment

The Eduard cockpit kit arrived last week from The 48ers in Cyprus. It has both radio configurations. On the left is the SCR-274 radio and the right hand side wall configuration which the kit has. On the right is the SCR-522 radio and side wall configuration that is needed for an ETO P-38.

I've been puttering away on the booms, once i get them finished I will have to fix the cockpit details up.

On the p-38 that I worked on a few years ago (the then new not yet released P-38F from Tamiya) Both booms had about a 10° twist to the right. It was a bear to fix that and both booms have a tiny bit of off to them. The elevator wouldn't twist them straight, it only became a flat sine wave so I had to do other "things". It is on the "Shelf of Doom" at the moment.
On the p-38 that I worked on a few years ago (the then new not yet released P-38F from Tamiya) Both booms had about a 10° twist to the right. It was a bear to fix that and both booms have a tiny bit of off to them. The elevator wouldn't twist them straight, it only became a flat sine wave so I had to do other "things". It is on the "Shelf of Doom" at the moment.
That was a problem with the the Hasegawa and Academy kits taking hot water and "persuasion" to correct. Everything thing looks to be in-line with this kit. The proof will be in the pudding when I start putting the sub-assemblies together.

Yeah, it only showed up after I had attached the booms to the main wing. They were both angled the same direction and about the same amount. The problem with heating plastic at times to straighten it is that sometimes the amount of heat needed will also cause slight shrinkage. It was a bear but I got them vertical and lined up. I think that there ended up being a slight shrinkage to them, but no one could tell that by looking at it. I need to put paint on the outside and get it done, just have not felt the want to do so.
Welcome to the Boom Boom Room.

Each boom has its own sequence of assembly steps so you don't get the parts crossed, if you follow the instructions (novel concept). They go together easily, the fiddly work being in the wheel wells. I ended up using the kit wheels with hub covers as per the photos of Miss Ann only adding the brake line. There is a lot of conduit and piping that can be added but unless you are placing it on a mirror it will never be seen. Once assembled comes the big question, what colour are the wheel wells and landing gear?

The P-38E/F and into the G models had aluminium lacquered wheel wells and components. With the 1942 aluminium shortage, Lockheed switched to painting the landing gear and wells Neutral Grey. The grey continued in use thru the H & J models, the switch back to Aluminium Lacquer beginning in the early L models. Of course, the change overs weren't hard as existing stocks were used up so there could be mixed colours during those periods. In field repairs could have been could also have seen just shots of primer.

The Smithsonian NASM P-38J-10, serial number 42-67762, is still in its original OD/NG scheme with landing gear and wheel wells in Neutral Grey. The aircraft lost in April 1944, serial number 42-67862, is in the same construction block. Based on that, I'm going with the belief that Miss Ann began her life in that same scheme.

Of general interest, 42-67762 was TOS in Nov 1943. It was converted to a two seater by Lockheed to train their acceptance pilots. It was released to the USAAC for "Special Testing" in Mar/Apr 1944. It was transferred to Wright Field in May 1944 for further test programs after it had been upgraded to the J-25 configuration. One test was to trial a new throttle/propellor control system. On an Apr 1945 flight by Major Richard Bong, the right engine exploded after only 29 minutes in the air. The aircraft was retired in Jul 1946, placed in museum stroage and transferred to the NASM in the early 1950's.

Time for some pictures. These are most of the bits that go into the assembly of each boom. There is an access panel that needs filing on the inboard side of the RH boom as identified in the instructions
Boom Parts.jpg

Both booms built up and the wheel well painted and weathered. I did skip ahead and added the main gear strut and wheel. The interior of the intakes under the propellor and the outboard intake were painted Neutral Grey. The radiator intake interiors were painted OD with the exposed aft painted Medium Sea Grey. When the doors are installed, the gaps between the top of the bay and the boom are filled in by their supports.
Booms 1.jpg

Bomm 2.jpg

Boom 3.jpg

An overall look with the booms and stabilizer press fit into place. Everything is looking square.

The cockpit went into surgery last night. Armed with a new X-acto blade, an assortment of small files, a sanding board, a scrapper and a nut brown ale, the fun began.

First step was to remove the raised detail from the kit side wall. There was just enough space to fit the knife blade and scrapper between the wall and other cockpit fittings. The removal of some of the boxes left a hole but that will be covered by the new wall.
Ckpt Mod 1.jpg

The back of the new wall was thinned down and with a bit of a trim to the length, the wall slides in almost like it was supposed to go there. I'll be able to paint it seperately and slide it back in before securing it.
Ckpt Mod 2.jpg

It went alot quicker and smoother than expected. The Gods must have been smiling on me.

The mount and dismount of the P-38 using the ladder was a gymnastic event and a surefire way to spot the new guy on squadron.

When i built my P38 last month i did as bob said, fitted it and broke it off within an hour :)
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