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Hawk 81A-2 'Flying Tiger'


Well-known member
Kit - Airfix
Paint - All enamels & AML vinyl camouflage masks.
Decals - Academy, Kits World 48058, Kit & spares.
Extras - None.

Curtiss Warhawk 81A-2
Sq. Ldr. John Van Kuren Newkirk
2nd Pursuit Squadron (Panda Bears)
American Volunteer Group

Burma, early 1942










One of those subjects that I've wanted in the cabinet for so long. When Airfix brought this kit out - like the B-25 - I ordered it directly and may have been one of the first folks here in NZ to get my dirty paws on it. Long-story short, it wasn't an easy build, all the locating tabs and pins needed to be removed from the wings in order to get a proper-looking dihedral, and even now I think it's too shallow, there was also a fair amount of chamfering needed where the root meets the top of the wing. No matter it's all done now and I'm really pleased with it. I found the AML camouflage masks by accident in the Hannants catalogue and bought them without hesitation - d*mn glad I did, because getting the Curtiss factory applied pattern would have been quite tricky. If you haven't tried them for your more complicated camo patterns, I'd say give them a go, they worked great for me - your experience however, may differ. Also first time using Kits World decals... won't be the last, they are superb, reminded me very much of the much-missed Eagle Strike sheets in the way they performed, clarity, register etc.

Not much else to say, other than the wing-fit issues, it's a delight, cannot see me doing another 'Curtiss', but along with the (already built) Defiant, Hurricane and Mk.V Spit, this is a superb addition to the Airfix 1:48 range, looking forward to the next one, (don't tell Frau, but I bought the (early) P-51D this morning aswell). Next from me will be a (very) 'Old Skool' Airfix build, which has already consumed more filler and sheets of wet'n dry than my last six builds combined - yep, the Jag.

Best from NZ, AFN

Is this the same kit I did the oil paint job on? I remember the wing assembly being very nice, can't remember details now but I remember commenting that the wing root fit was one of the nicest I've had.
looks swell, I was going to ask you how you got the hard edge demark but you got that covered. (y)
"Well done!! Looks great. How does it compare with the old Monogram kit? Gary S. XXXXV XX XX ..."

Cannot make the comparison, Gary, never built that one.

I love the old Monogram kit but now that the Airfix kit is available I probably won't build any more of them. The shape of the Monogram kit is what drew me to it but the Airfix kit is good for that and has far more detail.

Monogram kit below, haven't built any of the Airfix kits I have yet. Just pawed through them and read reviews.

Thanks folks, really appreciate the kind and positive comments.
Have a great weekend, best from NZ.
