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F4U-1A * * F I N I S H E D * * Now with 'scenery'


Yep 48th Tamiya kit (and bl**dy good it is too :good: ). TBH I wouldn't bother with the placards set if you already have the Zoom set. There's thirty pieces in the placard set, I've used five and you can barely see them, if you don't have or intend to use the Zoom set, then yes go ahead, the catalogue number is: FE244, I know you didn't ask my advice, but I know you'll take this as I mean it... Go for the Zoom set, it's the same price (within a coupla cents) and you get so much more you can use and that folks can see... Have a look at my pics below, see what you think:

Advice noted and taken Thanks Ian!

Looking real good!

Some in the camera, more to come tomorrow !!

Yesterday afternoon they went on a playdate with Frau, so there was just me and the kitten at home.

Managed to coax the airbrush back in to life enough to spray the engine with Tamiya acrylic silver. Also got the outer wings on and just had enough time to fill/sand the the tiny gaps just before they all arrived back.

This morning I sprayed the whole with Tamiya grey primer straight from the rattle-can and also dipped the canopies in Klear/Future.

Tomorrow I'll mask and attach the canopies, finish-up the engine (3 pieces !!) and add the cowl. It will be set aside then and I'll get the Seahawk to the same point.

Thanks all for taking the time to look and/or comment. More tomorrow.


You were able to get it spraying some? That's got to be something cloggin' it up then. You got an ultrasonic cleaner Ian?


It's a jewelry cleaner, fill it with a mild cleaner, place parts in and turn it on. It vibrates the tub at a high frequency and dislodges all those little bits and pieces that's causing your problems.

Give it a whirl. :popcorn

Managed to coax the airbrush back in to life enough to spray the engine with Tamiya acrylic silver.

That's got to be something cloggin' it up then.

strip the damn thing completely, get yourself a bottle of Tamiya airbrush cleaner, pink top, a sealed container, drop the whole AB assembly in it cover with said AB cleaner and leave overnight.
Reassemble then blow some acrylic thinner through it.

I've been using this cleaner since I resumed modelling with three diff AB and never had a blockage/clogging or any probs with seals or lubrication whatsoever.

Give it a go.

You've all been really helpful, and full of ideas (some very new to me), on my airbrush problem, really appreciate it, thank you and I'll let you know how I go-on in due course. Back to the plastic now and a little progress from over the weekend. On Friday, I fired some Tamiya acrylic primer (straight from the rattle-can) at it then let that go-off for 36hrs:





I managed to resuscitate my ailing airbrush long enough to spray some Tamiya acylic 'Chrome Silver' on the cylinders and also dipped the already clear canopy sections in Johnsons Klear:


This morning after the chores, I applied a dirty black oil wash to the cylinders, whilst that was drying I masked the canopy sections using the Eduard mask sets (well worth investing £3.60 GBP in a set of these, they take away a lot of very time-consuming work !!). Last job was to bring the last bits of the assembly together and take some photo's:




And that's where I'm up to. All ready for pre-shading just as soon as the new brush arrives (hopefully middle of next week). On now with the Seahawk . Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.




Arrived this morning. So nothing will hold me back now.... unless it's cold in the garage.... I don't like it when it's cold :blush:



Arrived this morning. So nothing will hold me back now.... unless it's cold in the garage.... I don't like it when it's cold :blush:


I like that weapon ! (y) (y) (y) Although at time I wish it had a bigger cup :facepalm

Cheers, Christian B)

You're right, Chris, really does need a bigger cup, but like everything else, you simply get used to it. I could have afforded a more expensive/bigger brush (in-fact, Frau encouraged me to spend more - she appreciates that my hobby is just about the only thing keeping me sane whilst I'm out-of-work), but I've been so happy with my first Iwata BR, I just cannot see me using any other anytime soon.... Mind you, I said that when I got my first Aztek :gogo

Looking forward to trying it out, maybe tomorrow :dance


Arrived this morning. So nothing will hold me back now.... unless it's cold in the garage.... I don't like it when it's cold :blush:
Hahahahaha Now we know why you moved away from UK. :yipee
Looking forward to the next instalment

Glad to see you purchased another BR, if something happened to my Revolution BR I would buy another one ASAP. I do have other airbrushes (some are expensive types) to use but none of them are as useful for painting scale models as the BR.

What caused your older BR to quit working?
