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F-86F Sabre * * F I N I S H E D * *

F-86F Sabre - back out of the 'Naughty Corner'

"Naughty Corner" ??? :huh:
F-86F Sabre - back out of the 'Naughty Corner'

OK, so here's a couple of self-explanatory photos of the salvage work so far:

The shattered decals have been removed and the white paint rubbed right back with various grades of wet'n dry and lots of water. I'll also be re-spraying some of the panels that I'm not happy with. Next I'll mask off the empenage and spray a coat of Tamiya acrylic glossy black.

In the meantime here's a couple of general shots, you can see the stabs are just pushed into place just now.

More later in the week. As ever I'm happy to take all comments, questions and criticism. Thanks for taking the time to look.

F-86F Sabre - back out of the 'Naughty Corner'

"Naughty Corner" ??? :huh:

Sometimes known as the 'Shelf of Doom' - a place where severely injured and/or forgotten projects lie-in-wait !!

F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Thanks for the link to this Ian.

What happened to your decals is what worries me a lot about mine b/c of the age. I've got no clue how old the sheet is, but I figure its probably pretty old.
F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Early 1980's, Adam. I found the stars'n bars and black lettering worked fine. The candy stripes are the problem.

Perhaps someone here knows that trick of sealing them before applying them to the project. I've never tried it so cannot say how effective it is...

...best I can do. Good luck.

F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Yea, I figured if anything was going to be a problem, it was the stripes.

I've had to seal decals in the past to help keep them from shattering, but only a couple of times. Both times I had to do it, I used Duplicolor clear gloss lacquer. But I also have a can of Testors Decal Bonder from their decal printing kit that I may give a try. I know I'm at least a few weeks away from painting it, so I have time to decide I guess.
F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Got some work done this morning.

and a couple of general views:

As you can see I haven't just resprayed the areas where the white has been rubbed down, I've extended the area up the panel lines so that when I apply the Alclad the inevitable difference in 'tone' (even though I'm using the exact same bottles), can be justified by the different metals used in the skinning of the actual aircraft !!

In other words....

....I'm cheating the eye of the viewer !!

As an aside I had another look at the decals and the machine I'm building isn't the well known Nina II, it's Nina V flown in 1953 by Col. Robert Baldwin out of Suwon.

More next week. Going to give the Tamiya black base-coat a few days to dry & cure. Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.

F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Man, the alternating panel shades are killer!!! I may have to recover mine and give it another go. :popcorn
F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Repaired the empenage...

Think it looks OK - what do you guys think ??. Next I'll start on the decaling... beginning with those yellow bands !!

Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.


F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Looks fine Ian, Really interested in how you handle those bands :popcorn
F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Bob, were you lying-in-wait for this update, bud ???.... D*amn that was fast :v

F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Very nice!

I've decided to glue closed all of the panels on mine. Originally I was thinking about having them all open, and then changed my mind.
F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

Yep, Adam agreed. The gun bays are very nice but need a lot of fine detailing with wire, plastic rod etc. The speed brake wells are OK too, but because the brake will be 'bled' open (not fully open), then I can get away with what Academy has provided without going down the detailing route. I've already glued the exhaust cover in place, I'll add the intake cover later.

As I mentioned, I'll start the decaling this weekend, starting with that troublesome fuselage band. Stay tuned.


F-86F Sabre - back from the 'Shelf of Doom'

I see that stripe gave you a bit of trouble also Ian. I'm thinking the best way to handle that is painting it...or find a scheme that doesn't have it :good:

It's all looking good! I see you couldn't resist pulling off the mask on the canopy.