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F-86F Sabre * * F I N I S H E D * *


Well-known member
Hello Folks:

I'm new here, but not new to modelling - a certainly recognise a few names around this site, so without any further explanation or reason, here's a quick photographic resume of my current (only) 1:48 aircraft build:






Yep, the Academy F-86F. I'm guessing the pics are self explanatory, I always use Tamiya glossy black straight from the rattle can as a foundation for Alclad lacquers. The trick I found (a l-o-n-g way back is to let that foundation dry and cure for at least three or four days (four is better !), before starting to add the lacquers.

Only been on this build around three weeks, and to get to this point is a revelation. My usual build speed is close to a glacier-with-a-limp heading uphill :eek:hmy: - With that said I am taking a wee break for the moment while I focus on completing a couple of 1:24 car projects.

More on this one in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime if anybody has any comments, questions or suggestions, feel free. Always happy to soak-up other folks experiences. Thanks for taking the time to look.



Re: F-86F Sabre

I had no idea the Stig was interested in airplanes .

Looking pretty sharp Ian

Cheers, Christian B)
Re: F-86F Sabre

I had no idea the Stig was interested in airplanes .

Looking pretty sharp Ian

Cheers, Christian B)

Well Christian the secrets out that the Stig and Ian are one and the same....
I got that info from Jezza :rotf
Re: F-86F Sabre

Is this the sacked white Stig or the new one? No matter really, this Sabre is looking terrific in that finish.

Glad to see you post here Ian!

Re: F-86F Sabre

It all went horribly wrong on Friday.

Started applying the thirty-year-old Microscale decals. They immediately started fraying and ripping. I struggled-on but to be honest I'm doubtful that the work I must now put-in to cure the problem is going to be justified by the result, Just as this is written I'm out of batteries again for the camera, so I cannot show you what I'm dealing with... hopefully I can get some pics up tomorrow.

Once those pics are posted I'd appreciate any suggestions at all.


Re: F-86F Sabre

Started applying the thirty-year-old Microscale decals.

Ouch! With any old decals, you should test a scrap first. This will then let you know if you should coat them with varnish or (my preferred method) MicroScale Liquid Decal Film.

Re: F-86F Sabre - Decal disaster !!

:bang head And here's the problem:






What doesn't come-out in the pics by definition is just how brittle these decals are - like an old Carpena sheet, they fracture and rip no matter how gently I treat them. The droptank wraparound bands didn't wraparound at all, they simply disintegrated. I'm thinking, I'll simply remove them, respray the tail in NMF and source some different decals either from the stash, or use the kit ones.

Any other ideas are very welcome !!


Re: F-86F Sabre

Ouch. I sont think you have much choice in the matter. You'd probably be better to strip it and start fresh. If you like the markings maybe you could get a mask made and spray paint them. Sorry, not much help I know.
Re: F-86F Sabre

Thanks Les, but hey, it's plastic modelling not brain surgery, right :idonno

Re: F-86F Sabre

You make that look easy, the paint that is. It was looking good. I have nothing to suggest, James stated my thoughts.

I've seen your other work and I know you will beat this hickup. (y)
Re: F-86F Sabre

It's all about practice, a good airbrush, practice, luck, creating the time & space to do it, practice, patience, practice and practice.

But it'll still stay in the 'naughty box', whilst I work-on and finish the Falco & Hurricane. I ruthlessly employ the 'never build when you're angry' rule on occasions like this.

F-86F Sabre - back out of the 'Naughty Corner'

In amongst all the re-packing of my stash for the house-move a couple of weeks back, I found my Academy F-86 from last year. More importantly I also bought some fresh decals from eBay in the UK to finish-it-off. I'll be building this:

Using a set of Aeromaster decals plus the Academy kit stencils and yellow bands. Stay tuned, this one is going to follow the MiG onto the workbench...

...Very soon !!
