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8 Ton Halftrack and 88 mm gun

Wow, Moon- that looks right nice! Miliputt- keeps a bowl of water and lots of paper towels handy- it can get messy! The good news is that it is water-soluble before curing- keep you sculpting tools wet and they won't stick. Err- that's all I gots, except that it sands ever-so-nicely when set.
That's all I need to get started.

When I look at ref pictures they almost always show the breech covered when transporting so I figure if it's good enough for Jerry Rutman maybe I could give it a shot. :mpup

Besides, I've had it sitting in the desk drawer for a while, need to make use of it.
Yea man! Go with the putty. After you get used to using it you can get so much more done. You can even roll the stuff outtill it's really thin.
Most excellent! I think the camo is awesome. Great job so far MP, can't wait till you get to the weathering.

Wow! I go off to work and looky at all the pictures!! Camo is looking really good, you can get your painted at different times look when you filter and weather. Milliput? :mpup
OK, well no one has called me on the camo so I'm going to seal it up and start filters and stuff. Speak now or forever hold it!
WoW !!! Cool ! Thanx for th look-in on th Alclad. I'll take note !! Great Job on th Camo ....

Hint : You may already know this ... But if you want th Gun & HT to look as if they were painted @ different times ... dry brush with th Base coat - Dark Yellow. maybe a little heavier on th HT .... Dry Brush everything... lightly over th camo patches ... it will make th camo appear as if it's wearing through to th original paint ... - Again .. If you knew this .. Sorry .. No disrespect intended MOONIE !!

I'm lookin forward to seein this :mpup weathered up !!!
Change the brown and green on one of the subjects since they were sent to the field as paste. If painted at different times, the paste is most certainly diluted differently. Perhaps lighter or darker (translucent or opaque) based on ratio of thinner and the thinner used.

The profile you showed had a hard edge for the gun, maybe brush painting with a light hand to change the tones of the green and brown while achieving the hard edge?

OK, I spoke up... feel free to ignore me as it really looks great.

Erik, even if I did know that no offense would be taken. Great tip and i'll make use of it.

Saúl, last call was made a couple of hours ago...too late, seal coat on. Notice I did say roughly, I'm thinking the same unit painted both with what they had so soft edge on both.

Man I had gorilla hands tonight. Everything I touched, something broke. Put the tracks on the halftrack and the tracks started to disintegrate. They were swinging loose and free, don't know what to day! But man, for armor, this stuff sure is fragile (must be Italian.... :mpup ). No worries, all fixed and ready for some washes to start.
thanks Tony, if I ever do something like this again i'm going with Self Propelled, I think you have the right idea. (y)