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1/48 warthog. FINISHED

I completed the spraying with Mig acrylics, left t a week to dry then applied a Mig enamel panel line wash..............which stripped the Mig acrylic.
The immediate thought is to give up :) however as i was going for a well weathered look i am going to try and save this with a water colour wash with artists paints.


Following on from rich's post above
Looks like this will be a ferry flight from the rear to the front line then :)

I had huge problems with the iron bombs as Hobby Boss dont actually give you mountings for them. A lot of the mouldings have quite soft edges, it makes trying to bring out a panel line quite hard but with the iron bombs the part on the bomb and the rack is a small indentation thats rounded and in no way called be called a location point, it gives a pin point contact that when you are trying to hang 12 bombs is a pain, not just getting them to stick but also getting them to hang in line and square Anyway the bottom line is i have gone for a more modern payload :)
380th Refueling Sqdn (while I was stationed at Plattsburgh) ferried A-10 to Europe. the pilots liked to spin the barrels just before refueling.
Back on track, i do like to make life as difficult as possible for my self :) By using water colours to get this effect of basic weathering before i attack detail it means i will have to seal this with a clear coat before i can add decals as the finish will be effected by water slide.


My worry now is because i have made a complete mess of painting, the masked screen has so many coats on it now, what will the frame look like if i ever get the mask off :) They say a good story should have some jeopardy ..... :)
Well that does seem to be the case with Mig which is odd as they supply enamel washes for their std acrylic range.
I always use white spirit as a base for pin washes over Tamiya. The confusion seems to be in what one person calls an acrylic like Mig ie water based and Tamiya which is acrylic spirit based.
Very pleased with the finish i have now. I used Water colours (lamp black) with a small mix of dish washing liquid to break surface tension and pick out the panel lines very faintly.

after that i gave it a coat of Tamiya rattle can semi gloss to seal the water colour and applied some of the decals.


Once i have finished the decals i will give it a flat clear coat. add the gun, steps , hatches ,ordinance, undercarriage and detail. I have a good feeling about this one :)
Here it is then , Mixed feelings about this one, The kit is great, the aftermarket parts pretty much pointless except for the PE.
My problem is probably fliting from bikes to cars to tanks to aircraft and i could probably do better if i concentrated on one genre :) My future probably lies in larger scales as while i can work through a magnifying lamp its not my favorite method.
Sorry about some of the pictures here. This digital camera has seen better days and the screen is damaged, My good camera is set up on another project.







What a dirty hog!
Outstanding Paddy, love the finish. It's overdue for the wash rack. And the dented nose just adds interest.

Thanks Guys
this is my first HB build and I'm quite impressed :) It goes together well and detail is good to the extent that i think the kit seat is better than the aftermarket resin. If i had to criticize i would like to have seen sharper detail here and there especially the panel lines which are pretty soft.
TBH i dont think i would bother with Mig paints again except on small areas like tanks. It goes on well if you build it up with dust coats but on something this size and a std small nozzle on your airbrush it can take forever to get a maybe 6 coats of paint on to cover where Tamiya will cover in one coat. I also found Mig really needs a week to dry hard, grip too hard even after several days and you will leave finger prints :)
One other point...there are 15 flattened air rifle pellets in the nose and in the ammo drum for the main gun and its only just enough !!!
The weathering is top notch! I tend to over do my weathering...your looks just right. Good job.
Love it. I need to dig my Monogram out some day.

Thanks for your insight on the kit. Hobby Boss & Trumpeter can be such a crap shoot, it's great to hear some first hand experience that isn't biased by "free stuff". Some of the kits are really well done, others.....well, let's just say not so much. I may have to keep my eyes open for a deal on an A. I've always been partial to the Lizard scheme...the weekly flyovers my house growing up might have something to do with that. :lol:
I believe the accent is on the second syllable. Making the A-10 a "War Thog". I could be wrong. :silly:
A very nice airplane model!