Super Moderator

258 ml mold box for the lower hull. It is important to know how much RTV to mix. I figure the lower hull takes up about 60 ml of volume.
The rudders go in here too. Milliliters and grams are directly related. Weighing the Masters will tell me how much resin to be ready to mix and pour for each mold.

7 1/8 inch mold box fits in the rack for the pressure pot! YAY!!

The main hull's mold box will be slightly wider and a shade longer to insure proper mold wall thickness, even using a more ridged RTV.
But now I know for sure this project, in fact, can be molded and cast with existing equipment.
I'm sure I'm boring the dogsnot out of everyone, but this was a BIG deal today!

I don't want interested parties to think I have forgotten the "Man Scale" 1/700 scale Reliance class WMEC. She's still building.
WMEC=We Must Eat Chicken. A coast guard joke about the choices from the galley on a long patrol.
Thanks again for looking in!