USCGC Reliance off Pamana City in 1993. She had just been modernized. Plumbing systems must not be included in the modernization program. Notice the fiberglass shithouse on her fantail? (Last stand on zombie Island photo credit). Since no detail no matter how inane, goes overlooked on this project, all y'all know what must be done, right?!
The stern railing is installed now too. I won't drill the stern for the cat-eye shaped openings. Blanking these for moldin would be a lot of trouble. P/E parts on the exterior will stand in for actual openings. The fairlead for the towing bitt will have an opening to pass lines through.
A little more work and the plastic on the main hull will be finished.

Porta-john, ready ammo lockers and forward gun platform. I decided the gun platform needed framework and room to put the railings on the finished product.

More parts! Early 210' boat davits/hoists have a beefy crane-like quality to them. Big-O hydraulic cylinders extend and retract the hoisting frames. I do not believe they are articulated. This one will be cast in a separate mold 4 times to go into the regular kit moldings so they are all exactly the same. Just like the torpedo launchers for the 1/350 77-foot Elco PT.

Later cutters had a crane for hoisting OTH boats. I made a cool extending crane, but it is WRONG! I will mold and cast it anyway. Perhaps it will work on an upcoming 1/350 Cutter Model.

Helm installed on the 25' Motor Surf Boat. I put steering wheels on the OTH boats as well. These are 1/350 DKM depth charge caps. They make convincing steering wheels, do they not? The MSB is in the same mold with the boat lifting frames for the early Reliance class WMEC.
The best 2 MSB's will go in the regular kit mold.

I finished off a very successful 1/350 WMEC Mastering day with my Sweetie, by a nice, quiet hard-wood fire and bowls of steaming, savory Trainwreck chili, complete with little Italian sausage meatballs.

Come on Ice Cream!!
As always, thank you for looking in again and again and again!