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Williams Brothers B-10.

I guess you expect this from these types of kits, I'm already missing Tamiya.

One thing for sure Bob, it will bring out the true modeller in you!

treat it like a limited run kit - dry fit dry fit dry fit :drinks

Just wait and see, I'm going to nail that AlcladII one day.

:bang head

one day you might try the Mr Metal range and that will put a smile on your dial!! :eek:hyeah
Just a quick update, no pictures. Taking it very slow on this. Like prepping one part, installing it and walk away. Having to get creative also, not much to go on out there, google only gives up about a dozen or so of the B10, you have to be careful because other photos are of the B12-14 and the only difference I can tell is the engines.

Using up lots of :zen on this, want to get it right. Good news is, I have the two colors already. True Blue and Chrome Yellow :pilot

If I get wings on today i'll get a shot.
looking forward to what you do with this. i have seen it built up and it looks to build up very nice.

Thanks Joe. Closed up shop this afternoon.

Basically I have all sub assemblies done, primed them with Tamiya white primer and WOW! Sink marks, pin marks, gaps everywhere. Back to sanding and filling. Again taking it slow.

Ryan I have no idea when this came out, maybe one of our historians can fill us in. I think this is a new boxing of the kit though, the instructions seem to point out some of the pitfalls to be careful about.
I found a review that was written in 1997 that stated it had been in production for at least 15 years, that would take it back to about 1982.
I found a review that was written in 1997 that stated it had been in production for at least 15 years, that would take it back to about 1982.

Can't quote you a year but it seems like it's always been there.......Sort of like most Airfix kits. The reviews quote it back to 198? They can't remember either :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)
Here's where we are. Like I said earlier just taking it slow and steady. Not getting in a rush.

Found no problems to speak of with the kit, there are some corrections that are pointed out in the directions that are helpful, like widening the rear cockpit area to fit better.

Normal amount of flash you'd expect and some gaps and seams to take care of, this ain't no Tamiya kit, or Dragon for that matter. I REALLY like how the wings install. You insert the wing into the opening of the flashing around the wing root. Really creates the proper feel of the real thing. Of course there's some thinning to do here and there but it looks good. Should be able to get a really good demark between the colors.


Those two pieces of brass with the the exhaust pipes coming out of the side of the cowl...dangit!!! :facepalm suppose to install a intake on top of the engine nacelle. :bang head

Still making some silly rookie mistakes that I need to go back and address before getting paint on. Primer shows it everytime I spray. Hopefully will have some Yellow and Blue sprayed this weekend. :zen
She looks purtty from here Bob ! :good: Those sure were bold colors when they were new :blush:

I'm guessing not worth much as a spy plane :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)