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For what it's worth, I recoated with solvent trying to work some under the decal that has silvered. I don't think it did anything good or bad.Don't think any paint overcoat will help silvering, they will only make it show up worse. You have to make sure no air gets trapped under the clear areas.
I will leave it off unless someone says otherwise. Thank you!It is my understanding that the D model mustangs in the ETO did not have the antenna wire. The mustangs in the MTO did. And I'm almost positive that Petie the 2nd did not have an antenna wire.
I'm sure others will chime in with their knowledge as well.
But I have been guilty of putting wires on because that's just the way I wanted it to look.
I'll be darned. It worked!. The punctures are invisible too. Thank you!What I have done is to take a new #11 xacto blade and lightly puncture the decal around the edge of the silvering. Larger areas require punctures in the middle areas as well. As I use Solvaset, it has a whetting/setting/bonding agent in it and will do so if you can get it under the decal. Just coating the surface will not get rid of the silvering. It is a lack of bond down to the paint surface. The trick is to get the agent to flow underneath. Start at one side and with light punctures work it across.
I have managed to do this over flat enamel paint and had the decals look painted on.
Here is what it looks like where the antenna runs through the canopy. The photo is looking from the bottom, and if the antenna was installed a pulley would be seen rotating on a pin in the hole that is visible to the top right of the plastic (maybe machined plexiglas) bracket. The are more photos on my website at this link. If there was no antenna I doubt the bracket would be installed nor would there be a hole in the canopy.
There had been discussion whether to use a wire or not. The consensus was that this pilot did not have a wire on his plane. I was prepared to run a wire just in case, and your site would have been very useful. I have it bookmarked! Thank John
Thank you!!Yes, I saw that, just thought this might be helpful in the future.