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Straight Flush


While waiting for parts and in between decaling the SA-5 I started a Straight Flush aka 1S91 Surn Kub Radar.

I am thinking a simple scheme so scheme E a Slovak vehicle in Olive Drab II.

Or maybe if I feel adventurous a Hungarian version scheme F.
I started this yesterday and here I am so far.
I used my Roller Tools for the first time to do the curved screen on the stern and was quite pleased. I have also been experimenting starting with the BMP-2 Berezhok using the cardboard from the PE that comes with the kit. I colour it with a sharpie and crazy glue it under the screens or vents and it works very nicely. Here is a bit left over from the grate on the engine deck.

Comments welcome.
The top one looks like it is moveable. The bottom dish rotates. They give you the option of deployed or stowed for the turret.

At 1:25 you can see how how the radar turns
Only a little yesterday. Lots of tiny PE. I ended up replacing the pe hooks with .3mm rod. Just saw a few steps away I will have another 12 to make. Yeah. Unfortunately my trusty camera has died and I could not even focus on the hooks. Will have to use my good camera now and it takes a lot more work to convert the pictures and clean up.
A bit closer to being done. Did some work this afternoon but forgot to take pictures so started after I started the tower. I'm doing the easy radar first and then I'll work on the one with insane lattice work and tiny parts.


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Thanks guys. Worked on the dish this morning and OMG. So fargile and fiddly. One arm broke and I glued it back together. Reflector is offset a bit but best I could do after half an hour or more of fiddling and trying not to break things. Pictures in a bit.
Okay some pics from this morning. If I pain killer kicks in I hope to more this afternoon. Also this morning I started a RQ-7B in 1/35 to keep an eye on all the Russian stuff I have been building. Making an arrester hook out of .3mm brass rod and will need to add a pitot tube. I think .4,, brass tube should work. Trying to decide if I should add the 2 switches on the front right side of the nose. Will have to cut the one cylindrical part on the top of the fuse off and use some plastic rod.
Sorry no pics this time. Got the top radar done and working on the bottom one. Not impressed. Really small parts, huge ejector marks in hard to get to places, boxes with open backs that are visible and flash. There are two cross braces for the lattice work on the bottom radar that would have been better off if they were molded to one of the lattices. Instead its a 1mm long tiny piece with a big sprue gate. Lost one but lucky for me I had some very fine plastic rod. Anyways later on today go and try to finish and take some pics. Probably at 90% done now with a few more bits and then paint.
The hull was a nice build but the radars are horrid. Fragile and fiddly with extremely tiny parts that could have been better done in larger castings. One lattice crossmember is 1mm long and hard to attach. Would have been much better if it were moulded into one or the other lattice pieces. Then instructions thatshow an assembly from the back so you have no idea how it actually fits till you look a few pages on and see it again. The large table on the middle turret had no locating pegs or anything and took a lot of trial and error and checking the profiles to figure out. Okay enough of that. Very little left to do and I can start painting. I really want to get this finished so I can work on something else less annoying.

The one panel is taped because it keeps coming off. So taped and hopefully it will be good to go tomorrow.
Let it cure out, still gives you trouble smack it with some CA, looking good James ☢
Thanks Bob. Already tried that so not sure what the problem is. See what its like when i come home from work tomorrow. Really want to get this painted and off my bench. Still waiting for tracks also.
Yeah best to take it off, get all the glue residue off, let it sit over night and give'r a go tomorrow. And keep the cats away from it... 😸