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So, what do you do for a living?

I have been unemployed now for 1 Day...enjoying it so far :)

It's fine for a few weeks. Now try it for going on 10 months. Gets way old. So I just keep applying for work, but most stuff in Oregon seems to be minimum wage right now and part time. Starting to go :gogo oh and this :bang head This forum has awesome smilies
Five months and counting... :hmmm

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel (or Chunnel for our British members)...

Today, I was (re)-commissioned and as Captain in the Ohio Army National Guard and will be serving in a Civil Affairs and Disaster Response Battalion. :soldier It doesn't pay worth a lick and I have to buy my own uniforms, but I retired from the service 4 years ago and have missed it a lot...

So sleep well my friends... I am back in uniform! (or maybe you should run and hide!)
Hi all, I have written recently on this site. I do the 'dental technician, I am the owner of a small laboratory for twenty years; before I worked eleven years as an employee in a dental office ...
:woohoo: So...you have all of these cool dental-instruments which are great for modeling and sculpting.
Lucky you!!!
That's what I was just thinking, all those cool stuff to carve and sand. Do you work on a figure and think..."is it safe?".. :evil:
Hmmmmm, I'm coming in late on this as usual.

In 1958, went into the army with a 9th grade education. Served 3 1/2 years, mostly in France.

In 1962, became a cop on the St. Louis P.D. Went back to school and worked my way up to 3 post grad degrees, an M.S., an M.B.A. and a Juris Doctorate at night. Retired in 1985, 23 years later.

In 1983, started a model business in my basement, Warwinds International. Big name for a tiny little company.

By 1985, it had grown into The VLS Corporation and I had to retire from the P.D. to run it.

In December, 2006, I sold VLS and it's subsidiary companies, Legacy Distributing, The Letterman Group, Warriors, Custom Dioramics, Letterman Publications, Techstar, Trakz, Wingz, 135th Construction Battalion, Fanta-Z, The Streets of Laredo, Legends and Lore, VLS Brushes, VLS Mail order, Legacydistributing.com, Modelliquidators.com and Modelmecca.com after 23 years. Whew!

I retired in 2007, after 50 years of full time employment and now do nothing but build models and, of course, all the honey-do stuff around the house. For some reason, I seem to be busier now than when I was working. We do a lot of traveling these days. Just got back from a 30 day road trip. Time to get back to the bench!

Hey Chuck, MP,

Thanks, but I'm nobody's idea of a hero, all I did was work my butt off for 50 years. My grandma always said that nothing succeeds like elbow grease, she was right! Come to think about it, she was right about everything!

Have worked with lots of things. Concrete factory, network technician, granary worker, salesman.
Last good job was at a publisher, where I took care of their network, server and other tech stuff.
Been trying running my own laptop support and repair business for a couple of years, quite unsuccessfully. People just don't want to repair anything anymore. It's cheaper running down to the mall buying a new laptop instead.:(
Been out of work for quite som time, and have been trying to update myself with a few courses in SQL Server and such.
Looking for work, but as I have seen in this thread, problems are the same here as in the US. Either I'm over qualified or too old (42) to work at 1:st or2:nd line support, or I have too little recent experience to work as a Server Admin or DBA. Who came up with the stupidity that you are smarter or better at 25 than at 40? I was so stupid and irresponsible at 25 I'm blushing almost by thinking about it....;)

And yes, Mr Letterman, you are a hero to a lot of modellers worldwide. Still I pull out the "Superdioramas" booklet at least once a year. The "Legacy"-diorama is still among the best dioramas I've ever seen, and it inspires me every time.
your not smarter at 25 than at 40- you are easier to mold. lol 50 year old man wouldn't be taking the crap a man 1/2 his age would.
Easier to mold, but usually a lot more restless as well.
Loyalty is usually an unknown quality among 25 year olds...;)
The older I get the more stupid I realize I was at 25.

Magnus I got very lucky in landing a job in IT for a world wide group. As much as a BnM about some of the stuff I have to do I know I am lucky to have a steady paycheck.

I use to own a repair shop and I know exactly what you're talking about. People don't understand that you get what you pay for. You can go out and get a cheap disposable computer every 1.5-2 years. I build custom systems when I was in business.

Had a customer (one of my first from 1997) come up to me just the other week and asked me "would you be surprises to know that the computer you built me is still running?"

I just grinned and said "Nope!" :D
For the last 21 years I've been keeping the peace at a nuclear power plant. Keeps the family and the hobbies taken care of.
No, people don't glow in the dark there. :D