Hello to all my friends finally got the time to do another update on the schnellboot build. I have being
Looking for a set of cammett mines for a while now with no results, so I set to make my own set. Just when I finished the first mine I came across a big lot of parts for the schnellboot on ebay and there Was the cammett mines. This will make things easier and now I have more time to focus on painting Still I added missing details from the cammett mines , so here is what it’s being done till now.
The cammett mines, very nice detail on it as it comes
Before I began assembling the mines I made a resin mold of it as I wanted to have 6 mines on my boat
and the cammett set comes with only 4, here is the mine cart and complete mine with the original
I needed to make some of the parts from scratch like the PE hooks, lift eyes and other pieces. I started
by the hooks used to keep the mine secured on top of the cart
A piece of styrene of 2mm wide is cut
Next one corner is made round
The other side is sanded to shape with a semi round file
Now it is cut to 2mm long
Finally a small disk of is cut to make the base of the hook, I replaced all the hooks on all the mines 18 in total
Comparison with original PE hook
The extra lift eyes needed are made, measuring 2.5mm wide by 3mm tall and all are replaced with the
plastic ones
Here the hooks are glued in place; it needs to align with the mine support on each side
Now the mine cart received handles made with cooper wire and the lift eyelets on its sides
22 plastic reinforcement’s triangles are made for the guard’s plates to be used on the 2 extra carts each
Is 5mm long by 1mm tall
The triangles mounted on the spare PE guards from the cammett kit (4 spares are included)
A small disk 2mm diameter is drilled to the cable diameter and glued to the cart where the lower cable
comes out
With cooper wire of .04 diameter I constructed the cables for the mines, 3 strands are twisted together
Then the end is bend to shape
The release linkage has to be scratch build as the PE one in the kit is a …... the original is cut in
two parts Each about 5mm long
A piece of small chain is attached to it
The cable drum is attached and a piece of .040 cable glued to the back of the drum
After drilling the hole, glue the pin with the chain in place
Glue the cooper cable on the lower hole
Pass the drum cable trough the chain and lower cable and connect it to the front of the weight, you need to make the drill on it first.
To make the shackles for the mine main cable I used 0.85 diameter soldering wire
Pass the shackle trough the loop of the main cable on top of the cart and glue it in place
To make the mine release rod I used two chain links and cooper wire soldered together , then used a piece of 0.40 hex rod to form the complete part
Using the same cooper wire, bend it in a hook shape and then flatten it, the final length is 5mm long
The third hook is glued just above the solder line on the mine, not where the cammett instructions tell
You to.
With cooper wire make the two securing wires that hold the mine to the cart
Finally the release rod is installed in place, the cooper hook is glued to the pin with the chain, now It only needs paint..
The painting process of the boat has already began, the boat is painted in its basic colors and more to
paint, here are a couple of pictures
Had to photograph it outside as the work table is full of paints and parts, sorry about that
Thanks to all and sorry for the long delay