Master at Arms
Hi Ed, sorry for the delay in aswering, I used spackling compound the one to repair holes in the walls, I just apply it to the surface and formed it to simulate the waves, moistening it with water and a wide flat brush to shape it. The water splash is made with wire mesh cut to the desired form and then covered with spackling both sides, when it starts to dry you can use water to make it soft so you can mould it to the desired shape. Once you are happy let it dry a couple of days depending on how thick you made it. Diferent size waves can be made by aplying multiple layers till you get the desired size, let it dry betwen layers. Finally you can paint it s you like, I used water colors like dark blue, navy blue, green and white to make mine, then a couple of coats of gloss clear, I used future floor finish. Thats how I made it. Please feel free to ask if you need more help.