So...where were we ?
Are yes, the F190 with the F16 cockpit
this is the Eduard PE
Pro's: its the right colour
Cons: maybe if they hadn't highlighted ever rivet in white and stuck more to the original design it might have worked better.
Next i tried the Kits World 3D printed decals.
I had a load of problems with these.
Firstly there are no instructions so if you have never fitted 3d Decals before you are on your own. I assumed they worked like normal wet slide decals....but they dont

Show these water and they instantly and i mean instantly within a second detach from their backing sheet. Go to fit and they are the wrong size, about 2mm too long on the side consuls and about 1mm to wide for the front panel. I cut them to fit, positioned them dabbed them with a towel and left them for a couple of hours. Picked up the cockpit section and they simply fluttered down to the bench, no sign of adhesion at all. I obviously did something wrong and i will look into it and let you know.
I then re applied them using Mig ultra glue. They didnt like that at all and if you look at the picture below they tried to lift at every opportunity on the sides and the lower centre panel
apart from that they are hardly RLM dark gray
Running out of options and the kit parts now getting decidedly knackered i made my own very simple side panels based on photos from Google.
Now these look very simplistic but are actually way closer to the real thing and i think if i had carried on this theme with the front
panel it would have worked well
You can see here how simplistic some versions were ?
The upshot is when building these things, if detail is your thing then dont assume the after market is correct or even better . On the real aircraft the side panel on the pilots left is barely half the width of the panel on the right, the pilot is not sitting in the middle as far as i can make out. In fairness to eduard and kits world they have to make their parts match the kit so its a Revel Problem as they make the side panels the same width. Its probably just me asking to much from a very cheap for the size and parts count, model thats more than a few year old.
Hope this interests someone and i am not boring you all to death