6 October 2016 Club Meeting; I made this one, despite my Jack Hammer day. My employer seems to dispatch my apprentice and I on really ardurous jobs on Thursdays.
Harvest is under way here in the Heartland.
After our President Arrives, the meeting begins with our Chapter Contact/Contest Committee Chairman, Joachim Lotz, holding forth, in his usual, very German, very thorough fashion. Jeff Holle (Blue Shirt looking like he lost a Backstreet Boy in Body weight) in on the mend after several cardiac (not plastic) surgeries.
Secretary, George Stevens, and Jeff confer.
Self proclaimed 1/72 "Scale Snob" Nate Stevens, eyes a CAR MODEL with his professional interest. GOTCHA!!
The "Zombie-apocalypse-Death Star 1/700 Gaffney Paechoid water tower attended tonight's meeting as well! :facepalm
At Mark Twain Hobbies, Don handed me a book, stating "This is just what you need." I disagreed, but purchased such all the same. Mike and I agree, this was an excellent consolation prize for our Surgeon's Stalwart, Ross (Roscoe) Petra. He seemed well pleased, and impressed. I'm always thinking of My People. Ross is a clever modeler, and good Friend.
Sometimes, during Joe's commentary, our President finds something else to amuse himself!